Interview with Jesse & Noah

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“For me, it was when Jesse was in his coma. I him to wake up so badly, it hurt, I mean it really hurt.” Noah’s answer is to be expected.

Jesse’s answer kind of shocks me. “The lies, before we got together and the very beginning. It was the hardest thing. I hate the thought of lying to him and that’s what I did. I hated lying to him and for me it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

“Angel, I know why you did it, and I never blamed you.” He seals the words with a deep kiss. Jesse moans into Noah’s mouth, the moment brings a lot to light.

“Sorry again,” Noah pants, breathlessly.

“No, no,” I reply. “It’s fine. Now a question that ties in with your answer, what would you have done if Jesse had not woken up?”

Noah’s eyes darken; the obvious pain he feels makes me sad. It’s like he’s back in that place again. I see Jesse notices; he kisses Noah on the mouth and hugs him tightly.

“It’s a question several people have asked, and I’ve debated it several times. My honest to God’s answer, is I would have died with him. No way could I ever live without him. Even if we hadn’t been together then, my heart tells me I would have died.”

Both men have tears in their eyes, I can feel the love. It’s palpable in the air. “I’m glad Jesse came back to you,” I tell him. Noah nods. “Believe me, I know. I’ve felt the same way since he did.”

“Ask me my next question. I don’t think Noah will be able to talk for a while.” Jesse asks while kissing his husbands neck.

“Okay,” I say. “Where do you think you’d be if you hadn’t met Noah?”

“Dead,” is his reply. I don’t know who’s more taken aback, Noah or me. But I know the two of us look at him.

“Noah has always been my rock. He was the one who supported me when I was too young to really help myself. Without him there is no reason. I’ve discovered a lot about myself over the years, and it always comes back to that. I can’t really live without him because without him there’s nothing left.”

I look away so the men can share a moment. The sadness at the thought has me thinking, and I know my next question won’t be an easy one. Noah’s looking at me expectantly.

“Noah, do you ever wish you had done things differently? If yes, what would they be?”

All of a sudden he looks as old as his age. The wrinkles deepen and he frowns. “I would have told someone about Andrea. I would have saved my angel from suffering the way he did. And most importantly, I would have never, ever let Nathan touch my boy the way he did. I would have given Jesse a better life if I could change things.”

“My life has not always been easy, but it’s been the perfect life.” Jesse says to him. “Do you know why that is Noah?”

Noah shakes his head and Jesse laughs. “It’s because I have the best husband in the world. My kids are the greatest kids in the world and my grandkids are the greatest grandkids. I have had a blessed life. God or no God, my life has been wonderful. Don’t start doubting that. You’re my everything Noah Grabowski.”

“You’re my everything too, Jesse Grabowski.” Noah tells him sappily.

“What has been the best part of your life? That one’s to both of you.”

Noah’s response comes very quickly. “A lot of people will be shocked, but I have two of those. Our first kiss and when Jesse woke up. Most people expect me to say it was when we made love for the first time, or when we married, but for me it was those two moments.”

“It’s the same for me,” Jesse replies. Then he takes on an almost proud expression and he says.

“Trisha, I want to tell you this now. My life has had a lot of tough times. But my love for my family has kept me going. I want the readers to know that Noah, our parents, our extended family and our children have all given me meaning. They are the people who made me, me. When all is said and done, and I’m dead and buried, I want them to know they meant everything to me. Absolutely everything.”

“One last question for you both. What do you guys think of Logan and Jesse Jr.? Are you happy about that relationship?”

Noah takes on the ultimate alpha male answer. “I’m not happy that they’re so young, and yes I know Jesse was a similar age.” Jesse gives him a look. “Don’t look at me like that. Anyway, if the boy treats my grandson well I can’t complain. But I won’t be here to beat his ass if he doesn’t.”

“You wouldn’t beat his ass anyway.” Jesse exclaims. “I want the boys to be happy. Trust me when I say Logan is special. Like me he has a not-so-good family. I think they will be very happy together. And I think that he will need a lot of support. There’s something very off about that family.”

“Thank you both for talking to me. I hope you enjoy the next few months together.” I tell them.

Both men smile and thank me. I watch as they walk down their lake. The place that holds so many memories and moments for the couple. The milestones they have reached here are incredible and I hope their family have many more here.

Forever & Always (Forever & Always #1) (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz