I look at him and laughed a bit. "And what will it be?" I ask in a tease voice. I'm so sorry, but I'm just playful as always.

"What do you wish it to be?" He said and leans closer to me. Still keeping his eyes on my lips. I know what he's thinking about.

"I don't know..." I struggle off the hands that is still pinning on me. I put my hand on his neck and pulled him closer to me. Way to close  that I can even feel his hot breath

"Ok then...punishment one..." He slowly lean in and pressed his lips on mine. I pulled his neck and deepens the kiss.

After...who know how longs for the kiss. We finally pulled out and take our breath. We're now sitting on the bed, no longer in the pinning position.

"Hah...it didn't seems like a punishment to you huh?" He laughed and I frowned my brow.

"What does that suppost to mean?" After hearing that he crawls closer to me. And brushed his nose with mine.

"You enjoy it." He said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him away.

"No I didn't."I lied, how can I not be. He's my boyfriend but he always spend his time on his job. So I tried to ignore him but end up...haha...like this.

"Ok then! Punishment two!" He suddenly stand up and clap his hand together and shouted. Punishment two? There is still punishment two?!

"And trust me, you won't like this." He said and smirk again. He pulled me up from the bed and pushed me to my changing room. "Go and get change, we're going to the Seventeen dorm!" He said and clapped his hand.

Wait what? Seventeen dorm?! Why are we going to there?

"Why are we going to there?" I popped my head out of the door frame and ask. Only to be pushed back in by Jun.

"Because of the punishment. You have to do it at there." Okay... I'm kindda worried now. What will he want me to do.

I listen to him and change my clothes.

Time skip...

We arrived at the seventeen dorm...and...the place look...scary...

The boys are running around the dorm like crazy. And they are talking really loud like they scare no one can hear them. And the dorm is a mess, the clothes...which I think It's dirty...is all around the living room.

"Uhm... So why am I here?" I pulled Jun sleeves and asked.

He look at me and there's a evil grin on his face.

Why do i have a bad feeling about this...

"As I said, you won't like the punishment. You have to clean this place." What?! I have to what?! The feeling is never wrong huh...?

"But Jun..." I been cut off by the other members calling me.

"Oh hi seohyun! How are you!" Seungkwan said, running to you with the others members behind him.

"Hello seohyun, long time no see!" Hoshi shouted and shake your hand.

I laugh by seeing how they react. They are so adorable.

"Hey hey, hand off." Jun said as he smack hoshi hand away from me. Aish...this kid...

"Aigoo you're too overprotective jun ah." He said, and I only laugh at them. Jun glare at me but in a playful way.

"You're not here to play sweetheart. You're here to clean." He smile evily at me and push me to the bathroom to take the mop and other stuff.

He give me a apron but when I'm about to take it, he smack my hand away.

"Eyy, turn around."


He didn't answer instead of turning me around by himself.

He help me to put on the apron but he didn't let go after tying the apron. He wrapped his hand around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. A sweet back hug in the bathroom. Haha. Jun ah. Jun ah...

"I still love you even if I make you do all these. And that is all you have to know. I love you. I love you so much seohyun."


My mind!!!!! Geez...my thirteen years old mind... Haha nvm. Well you requested it to be long so I added a bunch of stupid stuff in it. I hope you like it. I try my best to make it like the way you requested it. Cute and hot(is it?). And did I did it? Comment please. Well I hope you like it even though I added a bunch of stuff. I love you guys so much! Vote and comment thank you!

-byun Nara-

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