Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lara's POV

I caught him looking at me deeply. He coughed and stared away. "Omo!" I took his attention to stopped the awkwardness between us.

He is Dex King, 25 years old. He started ruling his own group when he is 16 years old, the youngest mafia boss in the history. Imagine, leading thousands of people, who will fight for their group. You really don't want to mess with him. Power. Wealth. Women. These are the main pointd of their organization. And now he is looking for us.

Dex went inside the club. I went out first then that man followed me. Haven't I asked his name? For sure he won't give it.

I rolled my eyes. Maybe later, I will ask him.

I swiped my gold card. My eyes moved in his gold card. Is he a royal member?

"Are you a noble?" I asked him.

"Yep. And you? Are you a Princess?" he asked back.

My faced turned into serious one. I faced him, looking straight in his eyes. He gazed back. "Hahahaha!" I laughed so loud. How could a Princess laughed like this? How could a Princess wear black. Black is not allowed to wear because it symbolizes bad luck. There is a specific event for a Princess to wear black.

"That's absurd." I continue, stopping myself from laughing so hard. I roamed my eyes.

To be honest, I got nervous on what he asked.

Two men are glaring at us then eyed their phone. Maybe they are comparing us in a picture in their phone.

I held his hand tightly. "We have to run..." I dragged him. They are still after us. Thankfully, there's a lot of people.

We opened the door. It is a way to restrooms. "What should we do?" God, he is panicking. "Let's hide in the cubicle."

"They will suspect that we are hiding in there." I bit my lower lip.

"Let's run..." He was about to turn his body when I pulled him and laid his back on the wall. I put his jacket hood on his head.

"Kiss... A wild kiss." That's a very common but very effective tactic.

"What t--"

I cover his lips with my lips. This is my first kiss ever. I saw this in a movie. I put my one leg on his hip while taking his hand and placing it on my leg, to assist it. The door opened. I secretly eyed them.

This idiot man put his right hand at the back of my neck. I can feel his hard thing, bumping on my belly button.

He thrust his tongue inside me. Gosh, my heart is bumping so fast as if it will lift out of my chest. I kiss him back wildly. It's getting hot in here.


He is typically a good kisser. I had butterflies in the stomach again and again. I felt like I travelled from Mars. My tummy is escalating.

  He groaned and I moaned. Did I just respond?

Then we stopped. We separated slowly. He let go of my leg. He was only glaring at me. I looked at my left and right.

"They're gone." I took his hand. Then he instead pulled me closer to him. I faced him with a shocked face. I'm still panting.

"I like you..." I halted. My heart suddenly pumped so loud.

I gulped hardly. Did I hear it right?

No! Lara, you can't fall for him. Your clan is more important. He is a NOBLE. Royal Blood should remain as pure as your ancestors.

I cleared my throat. "Our next plan is to plug a tracker on him." I changed the topic.

I took the two chip trackers inside my pocket. "If you can put in his car then that's better. Just call me if you can't." I turned around, walking away from him. I put my palm on my chest. Hue!

Thank Goodness.

I was observing Dex. He is flirting with his women. Woman, one of his weakness. My eyes moved on the tarpaulin. "Venom, the Queen of the Night."

Venom is a performer who performs every 8 in the evening.

I took the idiot man's phone when it buzzed up.

"I can't. There are ten guards here."

"Okay, go up." I texted back.

Maybe I should take Venom's place.

I went straight in the dressing room. Venom's room. I opened it. Venom was wearing a mask.

"Who are you?" I walked near her. "Are you the assistant?" I smiled a little.

I held all her hair and placed it on her left shoulder. I took off my necklace out then I get a small capsule containing needles inside. I got one needle.

"Why are you taking so long?" she irrirably asked.

"I won't, don't worry." Then I poked her vital point to put her in sleep.


"Venom, please be ready now." A gay said.

I was looking at my reflection. I let my blonde hair fall. I'm wearing gold mask match with my gold bra and short short. I also have a gold scarf that I will be using for my entrance.

"Venom, please go now." I smirked.

All of them applaud when the hosts called my name. I moved on the stage, facing my back to them. I used the scarf to cover my back. I'm only showing my butt.

The music started. I'm not familiar in the song but I think I can handle it.

I swayed my body like a water, slowly, gently, and softly. I started doing the belly dancing when I was 15 'cause I thought that it will make my future husband happy.

It is my wish to perform in front of my husband but I don't think it will be fulfilled since I did my first performance here.

I faced in front, eyeing Dex King - my target. I raised my hand while moving my body. The song started playing so fast. My body waved in the rhythm of the song. I jumped, I lifted and seduced.

 Dex was laughing... smiling.... eyeing back at me. Go, look at me.

I lowered my body. I crawled, revealing my cleavage for seconds. I rose slowly and the music stopped.

Then again the music played. I danced as wild as I want to. Nobody can stop me now, even my father. I smiled, enjoying the show. I spun a lot of times. My body moved like a snake but my feet accelerated like an alamid. The song is getting faster and that's what I like.

When I heard a boom. I split.

Everyone clapped their hands with a loud shout. I rose up and bowed.

When I went down the stage, one man asked me to follow him. And now, I'm facing him - Dex King.

"Venom... I always ignored you but now---" His one eyebrow rose while playing the ice cube in his shot glass. "---I think it's time for me to put my eyes on you. Wanna come with me?" He put his glass down.

I moved my faced closer on his ear. "I'm not that easy to get." I exhaled in his ear. "I'm pretty hard to get...." I handed his phone. I stick my black chip at the back of his phone. "Call me later." I typed numbers on his screen.

I hid in the dressing room. I held the idiot man's phone and called him.

"Where are you?" I asked him.

"Go in the parking, he's going out."

I followed him and ran as fast as I can. I climbed in the car, putting the seat belt around my body when I noticed his eyes were lacked on my sexy body.

I devil smiled. "Are you imagining me on your bed right now?" He scanned me from head, down to my breast, to my stomach, to my... down there and back to my breast again.

His lips twisted in distaste. "How could you reveal your body!" and now he is mad. He took off his jacket and threw it on me furiously.

He moved the shift stick and we followed Dex' car. We use the other way around. Using the GPS, we can track him.

"Have you seen my performance? When I was 15, I learned how to do it. I learned it to impress my future husband." I heaved a frustrated sigh. I felt sad. "Do you think he will still like my dance even if I didn't perform first on him?"

"Of course!" he instantly replied. "How I could I not let you perform.... I mean how could your husband ignore your dance?"

"You think so?"

"Of course!" He assured me. I'm finally comforted.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I'm someone that you should be meeting often. If our mission succeed, I will tell you my name.... My full name."

"Starts with what letter?"


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