“Stop playing games, you are outnumbered! Get on the ground, all of you!” Growled the man in front, I swallowed, this was Jet… He would rather shoot himself than be caught.

I took a step back, “Come on, Jet, drop the gun… He’s right.” I said quietly before a face caught my eye in the crowd of uniformed men.

This man was a little taller than me, he had dirty blonde hair, he had a baby face. But I knew his name was Conner Kinsley, an old friend.

 My eyes lit up, “Please Conner, do you remember me?” I called to the blonde boy,

“Shut up and get on the ground!” Ordered the man,

Jet moved slightly in front of me, “Let the lady talk.” He said icily, I could tell from the man’s face that he was going to let me talk now that he had a gun directly pointed at him.

Connor blinked a few times, “I don’t know…” He said innocently,

I bit my lip, gosh.

 “Remember when we were fifteen? At that party in the palace gardens… Afterward we, uh, carried on?” I hinted,

 Connor bit his lip and I sighed, “Do you remember this?”

I remembered him paying an awful lot of attention to the heart shaped birthmark of mine.

I pulled up my shirt to reveal the heart shaped mark, all of the soldiers flinched and had their guns ready.

But I saw it then, in Connor’s eyes, “Wait! Stop, lower your guns! That really is Victoria Sommerset!” He yelled,

 Relief flowed through me and the man in front blinked, “Are you sure?” He questioned,

Connor moved forward, “I’m sure.”

 There was just a moment of silence before the man gave a hand signal and everyone lowered their guns.

The man in the front was quick to be near me, “You have to understand I had to follow protocol, please forgive me.” He said quickly,

I gave a slight smile, “Don’t worry. I’m just glad that no one was hurt.” I turned slowly to Jet who looked happy but I could tell in his eyes that he knew his job was over…

  The next few minutes felt like a weird kind of rush, it didn’t feel real, they brought a blanket to me a gave me water and an apple, I tried ordering them to make sure Jet, Todd and Beau were okay from the gas that they inhaled…

Two of the soldiers helped me into a heavily armed vehicle, “We are going to take you to the palace now ma’am.” One said politely and I nodded and watched as Jet, Beau and Todd climbed into the back and sat on a seat across from me.

 I could see in all of their eyes that they didn’t want to be in here, and I felt horrible… All over, through my body.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked them quietly,

“Exactly what we bargained to do in the pub.” Jet said quickly,

Get on with their lives… For some reason I couldn’t picture them doing that. They were hitmen at heart, they lived for this… Would they leave this life behind?

The man who was obviously in charge was speaking into a static walky-talky and I listened hard, “-Yes. That’s correct, we have located Victoria Sommerset alive, we are currently making our way back to the palace in vehicle 42,” He said clearly,

“-We have just sent someone to notify her family, pull into the side entry, we do not want fuss from the people.” Instructed the crackly voice,

“Alright, over and out.” The man took a finger off a button before placing the walky-talky on a holster in his utility belt.

I shut my eyes lightly and snuggled into the dark green blanket, what was I going to do? What was I supposed to say to Rowan? Of course I still loved him, but I wanted Jet so much more, I loved Jet…

  I found myself watching Jet’s blank face, his cheek bones…His hazel eyes, perfect and soft lips… His wonderful hair, was I ever going to be able to feel all of that against my skin again? Would our lips meet again or our fingers entwine?

Would we meet again?

  I felt as though my questions were answered when there was the loud sound of an explosion, not even slightly far away, the vehicle jerked around and I saw every mans’ eyes widen.

It was an odd feeling, almost in slow motion, as Jet dived forward, his body landing on top of mine, shielding me from what followed.

  Every soldier including Todd, Beau, Jet and I were thrown from our seats as something hit the vehicle- The front of the vehicle was torn from the rest and a fire ripped through the small space, what followed finished it all off as there was another crashing sound that deafened me before I fell into a world of black.

  And just like that, we were all dead.

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