Chapter 1 - first day

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~Taylah's POV~
Hey Molly,
I haven't seen you in forever!! Why did my parents have to move? I miss you, my best friend that has always been by my side. I can't believe the Christmas holidays are over and I'm going to start school in the morning. I'm going to be the new girl with no friends!! I don't get how Seb already knows some of the guys but none of them know I exist. So I guess I'm just going to have to try and make my own friends, you have no clue how much I wish we could do this together.
Can't wait 'til next holidays to see you!
Love your best friend,
Taylah xx

    I move my mouse to the send button on my email, it makes the whoosh sound indicating that the email has been transmitted. I set my laptop down on my desk and crawl into bed. I take some deep breaths as it's my last day of freedom and then I fall asleep.

    I wake up to a loud knock on my door.
    "Hey Tay, you have got to get up, you don't want to be late on the first day!" my brother yells from behind the closed door.
    "Yep, I'll be right there!" I call back. I jump out of bed and get dressed. I'm so happy we get to wear what we want to. I slip on my dark blue ripped jeans, then my black sweater, my black nikes and grab my grey vans backpack and chuck in a few things.
(What she's wearing is in the photo)
There was a laugh from behind me and I spin around to see my dad leaning against the door and my twin brother on the ground. I give a slight giggle and say, "what happened here?"
    "Well dad tripped me when I was running to tell you to hurry up."
    "Blaming it on me now?" my dad puts his hands up in surrender.
    "Oh no, never," Seb rolls his eyes and gets up from the floor, he grabs his phone which was lying next to his foot. He's standing up straight next to me and I realise just how short I am, he's like a head taller then me. I see a hand flash before my eyes, "Taylah?"
    "Yes Seb?"
    "You coming down for breakfast?"
    "Race you to the kitchen," I sprint off down the hall way with Seb right behind me but then he runs straight past me and into the kitchen. He has always been faster than me so it wasn't much of a surprise that he beat me there.
    Now, I'm sitting at the table eating my breakfast with my headphones in my ears on full blast when a cold hand taps me on my back. I turn around while pulling out my headphones to see who it was.
    "Taylah, hurry up or you'll be late!"
    Oh, it's my Dad ... "Yep I'm coming," I turn around, put my headphones back in my ears and finish my piece of toast; which is now cold.
    "Tay, hurry up! We need to go, now!" That time it was my brother yelling at me.
    I pull out my headphones, put them in my bag and go jump into the car. Oh god, I do really hate the first day of a new school year. Especially, when it's a new school. Here comes my brother now. He stops outside the front of the car and yells back at the house "Oh my god, Tay your going to make yourself late!" I giggle slightly and sigh "Seb I'm the one waiting for you." Seb turns around and glares at me then hops into the car.
    Dad's driving us today and pulls up right out the front of the school. Seb and I get out of the car and yell see ya! But I don't think that was enough for him because he yells from inside the car "Love you guys, have a great day, I'll see you later!" Oh my god, no way, he did not. Yep, he did! He blew a kiss at us. Can parents be more embarrassing?
    Seb's already gone to find his mates leaving me to fend for myself, great. I'm the quiet one out of the two of us and only have a small group of friends back home.
    "Taylah!" I turn to see who's yelled my name "Annabel?"
    "I haven't seen you in ages, what's up girl?"
    "Not much, what are you doing here?"
    "My parents moved here last summer, I can't believe we are at the same school again! Anyway I have English then Music Tech, what about you?"
    "Maths then Music Tech, meet me at my locker after and we can walk to Music together?"
    "Sounds like a plan, see you then" she waves goodbye and heads off down the corridor. I head in the opposite direction, off to my maths class and take a seat in the third last row. Okay, I know two people at this school that's a start I guess.
    This classroom is chaotic, there's a couple making out in the front row, there's people texting on their phones', boys yelling across the room and throwing basket balls around the place. Well I guess this class is going to be fun. The teacher just snuck into the class room and has gone straight up to the two making out. Then the teacher says, startling them, "Ryder nice to see you are off to a good start, Alexia I expected more from you." The girl just rolls her eyes and starts kissing the boy again, the teacher pulls her away and tells the boy to go and sit in the second back row and for the girl to sit in the front. Well I guess it's good to know that this teacher will set the class right. The boy walks to the second back row and sits in the seat behind me, he sighs then puts his head on his hands and just stares out the window. He looks like he's a bit pissed off.
    "We have a new student joining us this year ..." Crap that's me, please don't make me stand up at the front of the room. "Taylah would you mind coming to the front and telling us about yourself." Oh god what a cliché moment. I can feel every eye on me as I make my way to the front of the class.
    "Um ... Hi I'm Taylah. Ah ... I moved here with my family in December and ... Um ... I don't have anything else to say so yeah." Oh that was so embarrassing. I walk back to my seat and quickly put my head down making eye contact with no one. I've never been good with people, I hope I don't have to get up for every class.
    It felt like that lesson went on forever, lucky it's over now. I pack up my things and started to walk out of the classroom.
    "Miss Taylah, can I have a word with you please." I hear my english teacher say from behind me. I turn around to face him and walk over to his desk. He is sitting in his chair with a cup of tea in his hand and standing next to me is a girl about the same height as me with wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She has a good body and a nice smile plastered on her face.
    "Taylah, this is Grace. She is in every one of your classes if you have any questions she is here to help." I turn my eyes back to Grace and reply, "Hey."
    "You girls may leave now. I don't want to hold you up for your next class." I turn and walk out of the class room following Grace out of the door.
    "Let's start that again shall we? I'm Grace." She says this with a more genuine smile. "Let's just forget he ever introduced us to one another and start off as if we just met each other." I smile at her and nod. "I'm Taylah, we have music tech next right?" I look in her direction and she gives me a nod, "yep, now follow me so you don't get lost." We start to make our way down the corridor when she asks me a question, "what sports do you like?"
    "I like netball. I don't really play much sport, what about you?"
    "How can you not play sport?" She says this with a shocked voice, "look at your body," she says this while gesturing at my body. I give a small giggle. "I do a lot of dance and go for a run every morning." Grace makes an 'o' shape with her mouth, "that explains a lot then. Anyway I like netball too, I go for a run as well every morning. But I can't dance to save my life." I let out a little laugh, "I'm sure your not that bad."
    "Trust me I'm the definition of bad." She says while laughing. I join in after a couple of seconds. After a couple more minutes of laughing she ends up saying, "I really like you." After a few quick moments her eyes widen, "OH MY GOD! Not in that way, I didn't mean it like that!" I throw my head back and laugh some more and manage to say inbetween laughs, "I know what you meant."

    We walk into the class room with the biggest smirks on our faces and walk up to the teacher sitting at the front. He doesn't look up from his paper.
    "Girls your late." He takes off his glasses and looks up with a stern look on his face. It softens immediately when his eyes meet mine. "Oh, I'm sorry. You must be Taylah." I give him a small smile and nod, "Yes I am, sorry we are late, Grace was showing me around quickly."
    "That's okay, go take your seats." I turn and look around the classroom and see Annabel sitting in the second back row. She gives me a slight wave indicating for me to come over. I start to walk over to her and hear Grace following behind me.
    "Hey Grace, see you've met Taylah already." I look at her with a confused expression plastered on my face. Finally I ask, "so are you guys friends or enemies?" Both girls give a slight laugh. "Definitely friends," they say simultaneously with smiles on their faces.

A/N -
Hey!! I hope you liked the first chapter.
What's your thoughts on it??
- A xxxx

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