Best Friends 4 Ever

45 4 3

•○●Joey's POV●○•

I miss Tiffany. I miss when we would hug. And sometimes she would fall asleep in my arms. Now I'm stuck with Juweel. Juweel is pretty and all. But Juweel's heart is pretty ugly. I look at Tiffany. I feel ashamed. I let her go.

▪Juweel's POV▪

My plan is working. I'm breaking Tiffany's heart. I want to leave her scared. For life. In her heart and Joey's heart. Cause she doesn't care about can tell that I mean just look at her face. Anyways she cares about Joey. So I'll break him. For I can shatter her into millions of little pieces.

^¡^Abie's POV^¡^

I love Hayes. I mean whenever we have to leave each other. I feel horrible. I also feel bad because Tiffany is my best friend and she doesn't deserve to have a broken heart.

>=Tiffany's POV=>

I run up to Abie.


She smiles.


Me-"Are you me?"

Abie-"I would never be mad at you. Your my best friend."

She says. Then she hugs me. We go into the carnival. Where once was kids running around with big colorful cotton candy. And tweens with there Gf/Bf. Know was a dark, grayish place.


Me-"This place is really screwed up."

I say. Abie giggled.

Joey-"You said it."

I slightly smiled.

Alan-"Well guys! Let's go!"

We go further into the carnival. I see a zombie.


I covered her mouth.


I whispered in her ear. I went to DJ.

Me-"What should we do?"

DJ-"You should go with Chris and Abie."


I go to Chris.

Chris-"If we die. I just want you to know...I love you."

He kisses me and I kiss back. It doesn't feel the same when I'd kiss Joey. When I kiss Chris it's like any other person. But when I'd kiss Joey it felt almost magical.

××××Joey's POV××××

No. Tiffany and Chris kissed. My world stopped. I feel like a jerk. I don't love Juweel. I love Tiffany. I kiss Juweel. Tiffany looks at me. And hugs Chris. I stop kissing Juweel. I know Tiffany doesn't care or love me anymore. I wasn't so sure at first but know I know where I stand.

~\|Tiffany's POV|/~

Joey walked away from Juweel. Juweel looked at me and put the middle finger up.

Me-"Right back atcha!"

Juweel got furious. I luaghed.

Alan-"Mkay guys! Let's go home."


We head home. We go inside. Harry comes.

Harry-"Can I talk to you?"


He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs. We enter his room. He kisses me. Then I pull away.

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