"They're here Er! They're really here!" She started squealing, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I frowned and tilted my head. "What's here?"

"The selection forms you idiot! For Prince Derek!" She thrust a creamy white envelope into my head, a red royal crest stamped onto it.

I chuckled, not surprised that Annika was freaking out so much.

She squealed again, and held the envelope close to her heart.

She sighed happily. "He's the most dreamiest boy I've ever seen."

I snorted. "Good to see that moms teaching has payed off."

She smacked my arm. "Oh come on Erika! I know you think he's handsome, I know it!"

I laughed. "Fine Anna. He's handsome."

She smirked proudly. It was stupid that we were talking about this, but it was hard not to think he was handsome. From the pictures I'd seen of when King Maxon and Queen America were younger, Derek looked exactly like his father. The only difference were his eyes, which were his mothers.

"What's this?" My brother Kaleb said, snatching the envelope out of my hands, while my other brother Aidan did the same with Annika.

"It's nothing!" Annika said, desperately trying to grab the envelope out of Aidan's hands. Aidan, being over a foot taller than her, waved the envelope tauntingly.

I sighed, and tried to snatch the note from Kaleb, but it was already too late.

"The Selection? Oh no. Nope." Kaleb shook his head. "Neither of my sisters are entering this stupid competition for some hotheaded Prince."

"You can't stop us from entering!" Annika exclaimed, still desperately trying to get the envelope out of Aidan's hands.

"What's going on?" My younger sister Amber walked in, flipping her light brown hair behind her shoulder.

"Nothing." Aidan and Kaleb said, and Annika and I finally grabbed the envelope out of their hands.

Amber rushed over as soon as she saw the envelopes. "No way!"

Annika grinned. "Yes way! It's finally time for the princes selection."

"Where's my envelope?" Amber looked around, searching for another one.

I snorted, unable to help myself. "Amber, you're fourteen. Prince Derek is nineteen."

"So! That's only five years." She pouted and crossed her arms.

Annika laughed. "Sorry hun."

Amber sighed. "So are you going to enter? Please say yes!"

"Of course I am." Annika grinned, flashing a pearly white smile.

I shrugged. "Maybe."

If Annika was entering, I knew I stood no chance against her. If they had to choose between us, it was obvious who would be picked.

Kaleb and Aidan shook their heads. "No, you are not. You don't even know the Prince. He's probably some self absorbed, arrogant pinhead."

Annika smacked them both. "You don't know him either! And I highly doubt that Queen America and King Maxon would ever raise him to be like that."

They rolled their eyes. "Dads not going to let you."

"Of course he will." Annika flipped her hair, but even I could see through her. Kaleb and Aidan were both insanely protective, but neither of them compared to my father.

As soon as my father was mentioned, our parents walked into the room.

My parents were perfect, at least to me. For starters, they were adorable together, and I'd never seen them fight for more than five minutes. My mom was gorgeous, and petite, while my dad was handsome and tough. Mom was quietly caring, and dad was blatantly protective. They balanced each other out, and it was obvious they loved each other.

"Family meeting." Dad said quickly, worry lining his eyes as he held onto mom. That's what scared me immediately. Dad never let his emotions show in front of us, and if he wasn't hiding his worries, something was clearly wrong.

We stopped our argument quickly, and followed our parents into the small family room. After we all sat down, my parents exchanged a look before speaking.

"We're broke."
Very first chapter! I enjoyed writing this a lot, and I'm really excited about this. I've been wanting to write this for ages, but never brought myself to write it. Not sure when chapter 2 will be out, but hopefully soon!

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