44 - Going Home

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"Not so fast"
Everyone turned around to look at the door of the cabin, where Morgan was standing, holding the sword.
"Morgan" Merlin said. "How is that possible?"
"What do you think? I followed them" she said.
Arthur took a sword, and moved in front of his half sister.
"Give us back Excalibur"
"Oh please" Morgan sighed, and she made a move of her hand, making Arthur fly out of the cabin. Everyone in the cabin took their weapons, ready to fight.
"Henry" Emma said, putting a hand on her son's shoulder. "Take Neal and Roland and go back to Storybrooke."
Henry nodded and took his uncle in his arm, and took Roland by the hand.
"Violet, go with them" Sir Lionel ordered to his daughter.
The girl nodded, and followed the boys through the door.
"Are you really going to let them fight for you ?" Morgan asked, staring at Merlin. "You know they can't win"
"Are you sure about that?" Regina asked, looking at Morgan. "Because I really want to try."
Morgan stared at Regina, a little smirk on her lips.
"You know, I was once his apprentice. But one day the student surpassed the master"
"You didn't surpassed me."
"Let's check that shall we?"
"With pleasure"
Merlin raised a hand, and made Morgan fly away from the cabin's door. Then he went out of the cabin, followed by the others.
"She's not alone!" Mary Margaret exclaimed when she saw the group of people holding swords in the clearing.
"Oh yes" Morgan said while she was standing up. "These are my disciples. They're good with swords, but they also can do a thing or two with dark magic."
"Time to see if Percival is a good teacher or not" Selena said taking a sword, a bit nervous.
"I don't think it's a good idea" Taylor said worriedly.
"Do you have an other idea ?"
"Yes. You'll cross the door."
"No no. I'm not going to leave all of you here."
Before Taylor could say anything else, Morgan's disciples approached the group, raising their swords.
"Kill them all" Morgan ordered.
Then the battle began. Elsa created some spikes of ice, while her sister was stopping an attack with her sword. Mary Margaret made an arrow fly, and it arrived right in an enemy's heart, while David was fighting with  his sword. Emma and Regina were side by side, using their magic, while not far from them, Merida and Robin used their bow and arrow to stop some Morgan's disciples. Killian, Kristoff and Matthew were fighting with swords, and right behind them, Taylor made a man fly away.
"Ok, I'm not ready for this" Selena exclaimed.
"Cross the door! Now !" Taylor yelled.
Still holding her sword, Selena ran toward the cabin. But just when she was about to run through the door, she noticed Arthur and his knights fighting with some of Morgan's disciples, when suddenly, Percival fell on the ground.
"No !" Selena screamed.
She started to run towards him, an just when Percival was about to be killed, Selena blocked the attack with her sword. Percival quickly stood up.
"Good job" he said, standing next to Selena and ready for a fight.
"I have a great teacher" she said with a smile.
In the middle of the clearing, Merlin and Morgan were fighting with their magic, when suddenly Morgan succeeded in making Merlin fall on the ground.
"And you said I couldn't defeat you?" She said in a mocking voice.
"You will never win" Merlin said. "Good will"
"We'll see about that"
Just when she was about to attack him again, Lily ran toward them turning into a dragon, and pushed Morgan.
"Oh so you have a pet ?" Morgan asked, not impressed at all. "How cute."
She faced Lily, the dragon making herself as tall as she could.
Taylor knocked out a guy with her magic, when she noticed her half sister.
"Please Taylor take off the cuff" she said, extending her arm toward her little sister.
But Taylor shook her head no.
"Go in the cabin!" She told her.
A bit exasperated, Zelena lowered her arm.
"You're as stubborn as..."
But she didn't finished her sentence, because Taylor screamed out of pain, a hand on her heart, and fell down on her knees.
"Taylor!" Zelena screamed worriedly, and ran then kneeled next to her little sister. "What's going on?"
"Lily" Taylor said, and turned her head to look at her girlfriend.
The dragon was lying on the ground, next to Morgan who had a big smile on her lips, and turned into her human form. Taylor quickly stood up and walked toward the dark sorceress, and made her fly away from her lover with her magic.
"Don't touch her !" She exclaimed.
"Oh come on Taylor. Do you really think you're powerful enough to defeat me ?"
Taylor didn't respond, and used her magic to attack Morgan. But Morgan blocked her attack, and made Taylor fly away with her magic.
"As I said" Morgan said as she was walking toward the singer, ready to use her magic on her again. "You can't win."
But before she could do anything, a big white light poured out of Taylor's palms, and hit Morgan who flew away, then hit a tree and fell on the ground. They both stood up, facing each other threateningly, raised their arms, and suddenly light magic met dark magic. Each magic was blocking the other, forming a bowl of white and dark light, and it seemed exhausting for the two women. The bowl of light suddenly exploded, making the two woman fell on the ground. But Morgan was faster than Taylor and jumped up on her feet, and grabbed Taylor by her throat with her magic. As the singer was gasping for air, Zelena suddenly ran toward the the sorceress, a sword in her hand.
"Let my sister go!" She yelled.
But Morgan realised Taylor and grabbed Zelena by her throat. Taylor slowly raised her head to look at her oldest sister, and raised her hand. The cuff on Zelena's wrist disappeared, and appeared in Taylor's hand. Zelena didn't hesitated and a green magic poured out of her hands, making Morgan fly away and fell on the ground. Quickly, Taylor made the cuff disappear from her hand to appear on Morgan's wrist. The sorceress quickly stood up, and grabbed her wrist.
"What did you do?" She screamed when she realised she couldn't use her magic anymore.
"It's over, Morgan." Taylor said while she was standing up.
She looked at her sister, and ran toward her lover, who was still unconscious, lying on the ground. All of Morgan's disciples were defeated now, and Regina, Emma and Merlin were healing the different people's wounds, starting with Lancelot who was seriously injured.
"Are you okay ?" Regina screamed, running towards her little sister to hug her.
But Taylor quickly pulled away.
"Yes, I am" she said, and ran toward Lily.
She kneeled next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, to slowly shake her. Lily slowly opened her eyes, and smiled at her lover.
"We won ?" She asked.
"Yes" Taylor responded with a smile.
Lily sat up and hugged Taylor, then slowly kissed her on her lips.
"We have to go, now." Regina said behind her little sister.
Taylor helped Lily to stand up, while Arthur were telling three of his knights to go back to Camelot with a now powerless Morgan and her handcuffed disciples.
"How did you do that?" Regina asked Taylor, pointing to Morgan.
"I used Zelena's cuff"
Regina raised an eyebrow.
"You did what ?"
Then she looked at Zelena who was staring at the former Queen, her arms crossed on her chest and a little smirk on her face.
"Well that was clever. And stupid."
"Let's go, shall we ? I just want to go home now." Taylor said, rolling her eyes.
Merlin leaded the way to the magical door an they all crossed it, including Arthur, Lancelot, Percival, Sir Lionel and Merida.

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