43 - The Enchanter

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"That's how you earn money?" Merida exclaimed. "By just ... Singing?"
"We don't "just" sing" Selena protested.
"They're really talented" Elsa said.
"Maybe but... it's a bit easy, isn't it?"
"Not really" Taylor said. "We worked very hard to get what we have."
"Your world is really weird" Merida said in a chuckle.
They were traveling on horse back through the forest, and they knew that soon, they'll find Merlin.
"Your sister's still sleeping" Selena said, looking at Elsa.
Elsa slowly giggled, looking at her sister who was sleeping on her horse. The Queen slowly moved her fingers, and some snowflakes started to fall on the Princess, who suddenly woke up in a jump.
"Elsa !" Anna protested, while Elsa, Taylor, Selena and Merida were laughing out loud.
Suddenly, David and Arthur, who were leading the group, stopped their horses. Taylor understood they were finally arrived where the road parted on two different roads. She looked ahead of her. One of the two roads was large, clear, when the other one was narrow, almost impassable.
"We'll go this way" David said, pointing to the large road.
"No" Taylor suddenly said, remembering Nimue's words. "We have to take this one." She said pointing to the other way.
"Are you sure ?" Arthur asked.
"Yes. The Lady of the Lake told me that."
"Well" Arthur said, getting off of his horse. "I hope you're right. But we can't go this way with the horses."
They all get off of their horses, and started to walk, letting the maids, the carriages and the horses behind. As this way was really difficult, David, Killian and Arthur leaded the group, clearing the road with their swords. Taylor was holding Lily's hand, and suddenly turned her head when she heard a baby cry. Mary Margaret was right behind her, holding her son, her daughter by her side. They continued to walk, and suddenly stopped when they saw someone arriving in front of them. He was wearing a hood, so no one could see his face.
"Who are you?" David asked, raising his sword.
The man stopped in front of them, and put off his hood. He was a black skinned man, and just like Nimue, he looked young, but also seemed very old.
"I was waiting for you" he said.
"Merlin" Arthur greeted him with a smile. "Finally we found you. It wasn't easy"
"I know" Merlin said with a smile. "It's something I did on purpose. I wanted to be sure to be in a safe place. Come on, follow me"
They all started to walk away, following Merlin through the forest.
"This is Merlin?" Selena exclaimed.
"Apparently" Taylor said with surprise.
"Were you expecting someone else ?" Merlin asked, turning his head to look at Selena.
"Maybe someone older?" Selena said.
Merlin slowly smiled.
"Well if a hundred years old is not enough for you"
"Oh no I mean... Physically"
Then she looked at Taylor.
"A hundred years old?" She exclaimed in a low voice.
They reached a big clearing, where there was a little cabin.
"Come in" he said with a smile, opening the door.
"So" Regina said. "I guess you know why we're here."
"Of course I do. I'm the one who brought you here."
"You are ?" Emma asked.
Merlin nodded.
"So, do you have a plan ?" Taylor asked.
"Perhaps." Merlin said, looking at the singer.
Then he looked at Lily who was standing next to her girlfriend.
"Arthur" Merlin said, extending his hands toward him. "Your sword, please."
Arthur took Excalibur, and gave it to the sorcerer.
"Do you all know what it is ?"
"Yes it's Excalibur, the magical sword" David said.
"And you took a part of it to create the Dark One's dagger." Anna said.
"Indeed. I forged this sword with a powerful light magic. It was meant to accomplish great things. Good, and wonderful things. I made it, because I wanted to free all the realms of the darkness. But as you can guess, I failed. And I had to trap the darkness inside of a human, and I made the dagger so I could control it."
"And he stole it, right?" Selena asked.
Merlin nodded.
"My plan is to trap the darkness inside of the dagger. It will become the most powerful dark object of all the realms. As powerful as the light magic that's inside of Excalibur. And when the sword will be whole again, the darkness will be controlled, but the sword would be able to accomplish good and bad things. Arthur, are you ready for such a task? Are you ready to keep such a sword safe?"
"Of course I am."
"So you can do it?" Regina asked.
Everyone raised an eyebrow, a bit confused.
"I'm not powerful enough to do it. At least, not alone. I need the Savior" he said, looking at Emma.
"The Blue Fairy said I was the only one who could defeat the Dark One" Emma said.
Merlin slowly smiled.
"The Blue Fairy knows many things, but unfortunately not enough."
"What do you mean ?"
"I mean that even with you, I'm not sure to succeed. Unless..."
He frowned, and looked at Lily again.
"How couldn't I see it before?"
"See what ?" Lily asked. "What's going on?"
"You're the one who had the Savior's darkness, aren't you?"
"Yes, but I thought that only light could defeat darkness."
A large smile appeared on Merlin's face.
"You don't know a lot about light magic, do you?"
Lily shook her head no.
"Well, it's just like dark magic, some can be born with it, and some can just change it by their actions. Just like you" he said, looking at Taylor.
"Me ?" Taylor exclaimed. "My magic was supposed to be dark?"
"With your mother, and your sisters, I'm surprised you ask. But yes. With your good actions and your kindness, you changed that. But there is also love."
"True love" Lily said with a little smile.
"True love is powerful, yes, but sometimes it's not enough."
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"I mean that you two are more than true love. You're soulmates. You're destined to be together."
Taylor and Lily looked at each other, a little smile on their lips.
"So what you mean is that ..." Lily started, turning her head to look at Merlin.
"Yes. It's just like if there was the magic of two Saviors."
"So we can do it. Together." Emma said.
"Yes." Merlin said. "Now come on, there is no time to lose."
He turned around and made a move of his hand, and a door appeared. He opened it, and stepped aside to allow the others to cross it. But before anyone could make a move, Excalibur disappeared from Merlin's hands in a black smoke. 
"Not so fast"
Everyone turned around to look at the door of the cabin, where Morgan was standing, holding the sword.

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