Chapter XVI

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3rd POV

Amelia woke up after she got bitten by Cher. She was extremely confused and felt different. Niall explained what had happened to her and what had happened to Cheryl. She had tears in her eyes and didn't fell herself. Her best friend had taken her life away and changed her for the worst. She was devastated knowing that her best friend had tried to kill her and that now he's a dead soulless murderer.

When Cheryl did that to her, Niall got furious and killed her instantly. He ripped her off of Amelia and grabbed her by her neck. Since Niall was highly pissed, he was stronger than her, than he's every been. See the thing with vampires is that their strength also had to do with their emotions. He pinned her against the wall and sucked out all of her blood. As so, he snapped her in 3 places: her skull, neck, and back, with the help of the lads.

The lads were okay within 10 minutes. Since Cheryl did a mistake and just snapped them and not suck out their blood, they came back to life. How it works is when you kill a vampire, if you're a vampire: you have to suck them dry and snap them in places that'll kill them, or if you're a human: you have to take a wooden stake and kill them. After you do that, you have to try and snap them in places without being bitten. Kind of extremely tough.


2 years later

All of them had become closer due to Lia becoming one of them. They could go out, but had to be careful because still, she might be noticed. 

Niall and Lia live a finally happy life, but now and then get into trouble with humans, vampire hunters and the vampire council. what can I say? They're trouble makers! Did you know that newbies and old vampires can have children because the newbie still has human DNA? yeah, well Lia is pregnant with a girl. They want to name her Lizabeth.

Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry all have there own girls. Zayn has Perrie Edwards, a witch from the band Little Mix. Liam has Danielle Peazer, another vampire that dances and models. Louis has Eleanor Calder, a fairy that models. (Fairies and Vampires get along like cat and dogs.) Funny huh? And Harry has Alison Dyson. She's a normal everyday girl that works in Starbucks. She came along, just how Amelia came along. Only, it was her choice.


18 years later

Now Niall and Amelia has their daughter Lizabeth, but the odd thing is she's human. She's a trouble maker and very sassy and smart. Like Louis.

Only she runs away.

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extremely slow 

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