Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

I could feel the tension and the boys stared me down. It was quite horrifying being that I didn't know what they were going to do. My only knowledge of vampires and territory is really badly written stories and movies. I'm praying to every god and star that they'll come to their senses and not kill me!

"Guys, leave me alone. She's ours, you cannot do this. it isn't okay. We just fed. Leave her alone," Niall growled, protectively.

"Guys p-please don't.  I probably don't even taste that good! I probably taste like shit and other nasty things. Why would I taste good? There's nothing yummy about me! Ew, Amelia blood. Amelia tastes nasty. Amelia is the definition of nasty. Yuck! Uh, pigs and cows taste yummy. Beef, pork is delicious! Amelia is ew. She tastes like. . . okra? Okra is nasty, right? Unless you like okra, then I don't taste like that. Uh, yeah, wait no. I don't know, I taste like everything you guys dislike," I rambled nervously. Pure word vomit.

"C'mon, just one bite. . ." Zayn smirked. No, no, no, no!

"Did you not hear what I said!" I exasperated.

"It won't hurt, love," Zayn tried again. No, yes it will. It will hurt a lot!! No, no, no, please God no!

"No," Niall stepped in front of me, hissing. Oh My God. Shit's about to go down!!

Niall's POV

"No," I stepped in front of Amelia, hissing. They will not hurt her. No one is gonna hurt her. No one will. I will not allow it. I feel like I have to protect her. I got Harry to stop trying to attack her, and now I have to get Zayn to stop, as well. There's something about her that's so familiar. It is almost as if I know her. Like the way she acts, her vibes I get. "Zayn you have to-"


I heard a scream and then Zayn pins Amelia down on the wall. "Zayn Malik! No. Get off of her now!" I said gripping his forearms tightly and flinging him across the room. It was as if he were a boomerang because he came right back to the same position.

"I'm thirsty and Amelia smells so good," he said seductively looking into her eyes. She looked at him like he was insane though. He was trying to hypnotize her, but she was resisting it.

How odd! One of the great things that we have, as vampires, is our ability to hypnotize. If you look into our eyes, we can seduce and hypnotize you to do what we want. For some reason, it isn't working on Amelia. She's resisting it and I have a feeling it is because she is different. Very different.

"The hell! Fuck, no! Uh, Niall help!" she yelled kicking Zayn in his lower region.

The force of the pain was too big for him because his eyes turned back to normal and he was in immense pain. This caused a chain reaction as I looked at the rest of the lads, and their eyes are normal as well. Everyone was snapped out of their trance.

"Wait, what just happened?!" Amelia yelled. "First you were all nice and tired, but then your eyes turned black and you were mean and trying to kill me. But now, you're eyes went back to normal and you're all nice again! What the hell is going on!?"

Liam looked at me to Louis to Lia to Harry then to her again then to Zayn and then back at Lia. "What happened right before we came back to 'normal'?"

"Okay, well Zayn had me pinned to the wall and tried to bite me! Then he looked into my eyes all creepily, as if he were trying to stare into my soul. So, naturally, I kneed him in the balls an pushed him off. He buckled to the ground in pain and then all of the sudden, you guys were all okay and normal again," she explained. "I don't get what's going on. Like, I guess I understood the whole gotta-eat-black-eyes thing, but you guys just ate, but you were still fucked up when you came back!"

Liam chuckled a bit, but nodded in understanding, as if he knew exactly what was going on. "Well, it seemed that you seem to have an effect on us, Amelia."

"Excuse me?" she tried.

"You seem to have a certain energy that radiates off of you that allows you to hypnotize us and, with a certain amount of force, then can un-hypnotized us, as well. When Zayn tried to seduce you, you blocked off the part of your temporal lobe that transmits sexual arousal, causing yourself to not become hypnotized."

"Sexual arousal?" Amelia questioned, as she blushed.

"One of our attributes of being vampires is our ability to hypnotize using sexual arousal, leaving you virtually vulnerable to us," Liam explained.

"Thank goodness I blocked that?" she laughed nervously. How odd that she could.

"As I was saying; you, then, kicked him and snapped him out of his Hunting Stage. When you snapped him out, you used enough energy to snap us all out as well," he nodded.

By this time, Amelia had already sat down on the recliner, but I could tell she was on edge. Of course, she would be. She apparently had the ability to control us without even knowing how. The boys looked confused and intrigued by the idea as well. I wasn't too impressed, but more confused as to why I was entranced as well and why she had the ability.

It was as if Liam had read my mind because his next statement answered my question completely.

"Although I don't know why it didn't work on Niall, there is only one reason to it. You must have a special effect on him. Only the effect that one would have when there is a connect. That connection only happens when-"

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed. "Stop!" Everyone looked at me. My eyes were wide opened. I avoided everyone's glaze and sped to my room not wanting to hear more.

Amelia's POV

"Oh my goodness!" Niall exclaimed. "Stop!" Everyone looked at him. He looked more embarrassed than shocked, but also angry as he stormed to his room. It wasn't as if he was pissed off, but more as if he was trying to avoid everyone. Now, I'm even more lost.

Not only do I have a special power, or energy force, but the only person who has been 100% nice to me just left all angry. I don't know what's going on and I'm more confused than anything else. I worried expression rests on my face as I shake my head.

"I'm so lost and confused. What is going on? What connection? Why did Niall leave so angry?" I said shaking my head, worried. I stood up off the recliner and backed up towards the kitchen, more or less worried because they tried to attack me and Niall was the only sane one. Well, sane-ish one.

"There's a certain connection that allows someone to be completely cut off from all supernatural creatures except one," Liam sighed.

"What?" I asked. Supernatural creatures? There's more crazy shit!?

"Well, Lia that only happens when there is true love," he nodded.

"True love?" I exclaimed. "What the fuck?"

All of the boys looked shocked, but Liam looked understanding, "Yes, either love or destined loved, which can be translated into true love. The situation is either the vampire is in love with the human or the human is the vampire's, ultimate mate. Quite frankly, Amelia, I think, you're Niall's mate. . ." Liam trailed off.

"You've got to be shitting me right now!"

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*two uploads in one day, congrats*
hello, I just wanted to say that even though I don't make any author notes at the end or beginning, I still do appreciate y'all for reading, commenting, and voting on my story.
fun facts: I actually wrote this story about 5 years ago and I achieved it.
the only reason why I'm uploading it is that of one my OG Followers asked why I took this down. so what I am doing is changing the main characters names, fixing any plot holes, and just fixing it up so it's less cringe-worthy.
and just a btw, this story is obviously when One Direction was together and in their younger years (like 2013-ish). so bear with me when it comes to their nicknames and clothing choices!
if y'all have any suggestions, just comment or DM me, I will always respond.
again, thank you for reading.

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