Chapter X

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Chapter XI

Niall's POV

After what had felt like hours, I slowly and painfully open my eyes to meet four pairs staring me down. I jump back at the surprise and rub my head. After almost two centuries of being immortal, my head has never hurt this badly.

"Is everything okay?" I asked groggily.

Liam scratches the back of his head and winces, "well, you're completely stable, but Amelia on the other hand. . ."

I jump up, out of my bed, and look around trying to find my love. She's not in the room, but I can hear a faint beating of a heart. I run out of the room and down the hall to her room. Stopping slowly, I quietly open the door, afraid to scare her. A blond haired, pale girl lays in Amelia's bed. Her chest falling slowly, a scrawny looking thing. Feeling the presence of the boys behind me, I wince and look back, staring at Liam, "that's Amelia?" Their heads nod slowly. Her body looks lifeless, shallow breaths barely allowing her body to function properly. "What happened?"

"You guys have been out for three days. Within those days, Amelia has had four seizures. I don't think her body can handle anymore. We've gone to the surrounding hospitals and have stolen IV bags for her, but everyone is on high alert for the recent thefts of medical supplies. She needs to wake up," Liam admits. Thank goodness he is trained in health because had he not been, she would have been long dead.

Staring at her, I notice the corner of her mouth twitching in a small smile. Maybe she's finally waking up! "Liam look! It looks like shes smi-"

Before I could finish my sentence, the body starts to shake rapidly, flaring her arms all over the place. "She's seizing again. Hold her down!" Liam calls. Harry, Liam, and Louis surround her, holding down her arms and legs, while I hold down one of her arms.

"Liam what do we do, what do we do! You just said she can't survive another seizure," I screamed.

"I don't have anymore anti-seizure medication," Liam confirms. "Her human body can't do it without medication."

"Then what do we do!" I panic.

He looks at me worried. "Mate, you've gotta bite her. . ."

"What? No, I can't! I'm afraid to kill her," I screamed shocked.

"Niall, you have to, that's the only way she'll live because right now, the pain is killing her from the inside out. If you bite her, it'll go away!" he explained. "You guys are amtes."

I nodded in response and braced myself. I can't believe I've got to bite her, I thought. 

I took in a deep breath, move her shaking arm to my mouth and bite her. I felt my vemon course through her veins causing her to body to calm down and stop moving along with her heart that starts slowing down and her body temperature dropping. Liam tapped my shoulder and I detached myself from her. I looked at her for hope. . . Nothing. Is she really gone?

I rested my head on her arm, not wanting to lose her. I felt something shifts under me and I looked up at her. She was gaining color, but still pale. The bite still hasn't healed, but I could see her chest rise and fall. Truly terrified.

"Is she alive or not?" Harry asked. I looked at Liam with all the hope in the world, praying he knew the answers because I didn't. Liam nodded yes, but I didn't look too convincing.

 The lads are just standing in the room. "Lads, you could go." They left one by one. I prayed that she would wake up so I could see her beautiful eyes again. If only she'd wake up. . .

Amelia's POV

I felt like an electrical shock run through my body for the millionth time. All of the lads were standing in my room and Niall was still holding my hand. He had a very worried face on and it worried me. I heard Liam say something about me dying, I can't die! I'm only 18!

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