Chapter XI

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Chapter XI

Amelia's POV

So basically I almost died in my sleep because Niall and I have a connection and we were far apart for too long, and the only way I could stay alive is by Niall biting me. So when I woke up, I couldn't remember anything and I ran away hungry searching for blood and that's why I'm tied to a pole in the middle of the living room.

I wonder if I wrote a book about my life I could become very wealthy. Like, but no because I'm a fucking vampire! I am probably gonna hold the longest grudge on the lads for the longest time because now I'm going to age in an 18 year old's body! I'm so pissed. I'm going to have to see everyone I love die in front of my eyes. Oh my god! What about my best friend?!

I started to thrash around a lot. I hate being contained. I've got to get out. "Shit! Keep her calm," Niall cussed. Louis and Liam ran up to me, I hissed at them and they hissed back. I can't do this.

"Get the hell away from me! Let. Me. Go! Liam let me go. I can't even- Guys," I grunted trying to break the chains. Yes, chains. Not even rope! Like seriously now. I know I got out the first time, but really! Chains not needed!

"No. Stay!" Louis said into my eyes. I stopped for a second. It's like he controlled me. No.

"No," I stated sternly and broke free. I didn't run or jump or bite or anything. I just stood up and looked at the scene around me. I'm in a room with vampires, not just any vampires, One Direction vampires. And I,myself, am now a vampire. 

There was a strong pain in my chest. I scrunched and groaned. It really hurt. I knew it wasn't a heart attack or stroke, it just. . . hurt. "Niall, make it stop. Make the pain stop Niall!" I groaned. He ran up to me and picked me up. "Niall! It hurts! Make it stop! I can't, it hurts! Niall, help me." I yelled louder. The pain was unbearable. What the hell was going on! I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain, but it wasn't working.

All I could hear were the boys yelling at Niall to take me to something Council and. . .my heartbeat. "Niall! Make the pain stop! Make it stop! I hear my heartbeat! Just make the pain- t-the pain-" my voice got quieter because of all the pain and darkness ". . .s-stop." I began to shake viciously and then, I was out.


I woke up on a "hospital bed." I say it like that because I knew for sure I wasn't in a hospital. I looked at the mirror next to me and I was tan. Not pale, tan! My natural skin tone was back. I smiled at myself and I didn't have fangs, I had teeth: Human teeth! I looked at my hands and legs and saw I had veins and colored skin. There was one of those things you could listen to your heartbeat, and i had one! I had a heartbeat again! I felt my wrist and I had a pulse again! I was so relieved that I'm alive and not a vampire. I finally stopped and looked around and noticed I was in the room alone. I need to talk to someone. . . Niall!

Niall! Niall! The pain stopped and I'm not a vampire anymore! I thought trying to reach Niall. Nothing.. Should I ye-

"Amelia!" Niall came in running to the bed I was on. I saw that the lads were here as well.

"Niall!" I yelled getting up and jumping on him. "I'm not a vampire anymore!"

He smiled at me, "Yes, you're not a vampire, you're a beautiful human." And with that he kissed me sweetly on the lips. Just a peck. Uh, no. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. At first he was shocked, but then he kissed me back. 

I do like him. I admit it. I really do. I know he likes me. That's a known fact, but the thing is, how is this gonna work if he's a vampire? We kept on kissed until we heard someone clear their throat. I quickly and embarrassingly jumped off and stood looking at the ground.

"Well, I can see that Miss. Scottly is feeling much better. Okay, so let me explain this to you. You are here at the Vampire Hospital were we take fledglings and care for them. You my dear were a mistake. You were not supposed to be a vampire, so we thought of exterminating you, but this young fella here saved your body. He took all of the venom out of your system and saved your life. Even though he did that, we were still debating whether to kill you or not because you knew too much. We were going to kill you, but the lads were arguing that you were in their custody and their property. You are aloud to live, but soon enough you will have to become a vampire because you are Mr. Horan's mate whether you like it or not. Just to clarify all of this, you are not a vampire yet, you are Mr.Horan's mate and you are still a human for the time being." A Vampire Doctor said. I just stood there in awe while Niall looked at the ground sheepishly. The doctor was about to leave when he turned around and looked at me, "Oh and Ma'am good luck," and left. What?

Niall looked up at me and smiled, "Well Miss.Scottly, you are my mate, forever and ever."

I went up to him and seductively whispered in his ear, "Not if you call me Miss. Scottly." and ran away laughing. I soon ran into Liam's chest and feel on the ground. "Whoops."

"You alright there, Lia?" Liam laughed. Everyone was sitting in those office chair sleeping. I nodded sheepishly and went and poked Zayn's face. He opened his eyes quickly and I jumped back scared.

"Aha, get you every time," He laughed. I blushed and said shut up and stomped away somewhere. I kept on walking until a hand was placed on my shoulder. I grabbed the hand and flipped the body over my shoulder. I soon noticed that it was Niall and started to laugh.

"You. . . feel . . . aha!" I laughed. The other lads came running looking like they could kill. Ironically, they could without trying. Thinking of that made me shiver. Niall thinking something else gave me his jacket like a gentleman. I smiled and we quickly left the place.

They didn't even bring a car or anything, so Niall picked me up and told me to close my eyes. I did and I felt the wind go through my hair. I opened my eyes when I wasn't suppose to and everything was going for fast. I started to get really dizzy, so I closed my eyes. Soon Niall stopped and I opened my eyes scared. He slowly let me down on the ground and I fell over dizzy.

"You okay?" Niall flipped. I nodded yes and got up. "Okay, so now it is half past six, so Amelia, we will order you Chinese food and lads, you could go hunting or something." 

Everyone nodded in agreement and soon the lads were gone except Niall. He was ordering my food and I was sitting on the recliner watching Disney Channel. Niall soon came in and lift me up and sat me in his lap. "Niall, you do realize that there is another seat right?" I asked laughing.

"Yes, and?" He said softly and kissed me. I kissed him back until the doorbell rang. I quickly ran into the nearest closet and listened.

"This is the police," a manly voice said. Shit!

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