"Our daughter is dead because of you! We never get to see our grandson because of you!" The older man yells angrily.

Leo turns around and gets in the older man's face, "And if you ever want to see him again, I suggest you stop blaming me for things that were out of my control! Antonella made the decision to be with me! She made the decision to move to Barcelona! And while we didn't plan on Thiago, we loved him just as much! I didn't drive that paparazzi's car! So don't you dare blame me for her death!" He screams at his ex's father.

There was a moment of silence among everyone until Leo turned to me and said, "I think it's best we go. Paula, good to see you. Mari, get Thiago."

I give an apology to Paula as she handed Leo's son to me and I strap him in his carseat.


We go to Leo's parent's house after we left the Roccuzzo's, where Maria Sol and Florencia swoop me up to take me shopping.

"Leo, she'll be fine, she's with us, remember?" Florencia tells Leo, trying to calm him down.

"Si, which is why I'm worried. You two are monsters when it comes to shopping, on top of that, there's paparazzi all over the town!"

Maria Sol rolls her eyes at her brother, "We've all dealt with paparazzi before, Lionel."

"Pero, still... If anything happens to any of you..." Leo says with a pointed look towards Maria and I.

"Leo, we'll be fine. Have a good day with Thiago," I respond, ending the argument that was about to ensue.

Leo sighs exaggeratedly before nodding his head and giving a kiss to my cheek and heading off to his room to check on his son, who was napping.

"Let's go," Florencia exclaims, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door with Maria Sol hot on our tails.


"So, how have you been liking Argentina?" Florencia asks as she puts an Armani dress up to Maria Sol before putting it back.

"It's gorgeous, although the accents are throwing me off," I respond checking out a simple button up shirt.

"Rosario accents are especially strong," Maria Sol chuckles, before going to try on a a few pieces of clothes.

Flor smiles at me, "You know, as much as my husband came off as an ass, he actually thinks you're good for Leo."

I gave the redhead an incredulous look, "En serio?"

"Si, he was really worried that when Anto passed that Leo would push Thiago away or something extreme like quit football, but you brought a spark back to him," she says before looking at my face to see me shedding a tear, "Gracias, his family thought they were losing him."

"Thank you for accepting me. I was so scared you guys would resent me or think that I was trying to replace Antonella, which I'm not, I just care so much for both Leo and Thiago," I blabber on until Florencia hangs the shirt in her hands back up and comes to give me a hug, "We could never thank you enough for saving him from himself. I'm glad he found you, Mari."

Ok, now I had a bit of tears coming out. I didn't know things had gotten that bad. Maria Sol comes out to see me freaking out and yells at Flor for freaking me out. "Florencia! Leo va a matarte!"

I shake my head, "No, I'm fine. I just hate to think of him like that." Florencia nods sadly, "I'm sorry for upsetting you."

Both Argentines hug me. "He really does love you," Maria Sol says, "He even referred to you as his esposa accidentally, but we all know you two will be there one day."

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