"I don't trust you anymore. We'll never go back to the way we were." The realization of what I'd just said, made me want to break down and cry. While Katie and I were not particularly close, the thought of her not being in my life really hurt.

"Taylor, I am so sorry," she cried.

I blinked back my own tears and stood just as the waiter reappeared. "My apologies for the delay," he murmured.

I took my latte from him and nodded at Katie.

The last thing I saw before leaving the cafe was her face with tears streaming down. While it pained me (just a teensy bit) to see her in tears, I was pleased to know that she was just as miserable as I was.


"Sunshine all the time makes a desert," Hailey whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I sniffed.

I was lying face down in bed with a pillow over my head when Hailey had barged in and refused to leave until I'd stopped crying. At first she played the role of bad cop, but now it seemed like she had resorted to being compassionate instead. "Remember that stars can't shine without darkness."

"Stop talking," I mumbled. "You're giving me a headache."

"It's all that crying that's giving you a headache," she defended. "And if you don't stop, you'll make yourself sick."

"Cause it's that easy to stop."

She sighed and put her arms around me. "No, but if you get sick and die, I'll have no one to annoy. Don't be so selfish."

I managed a watery laugh and pushed her away. "You are so stupid."

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"No, but I would love to have a glass or two of vodka," I said, giving her a sweet smile.

Chest to chest,
Nose to nose,
Palm to palm,
We were always just that close.

"Why is that your ringtone?" Hailey asked as I reached for my phone.

I shushed her and swiped the screen. "Hello?"

"Don't hang up, please," Brian pleaded.

I groaned and mentally facepalmed myself. Hailey quirked her brow and I rolled my eyes. "What do you want Brian?" I sighed.

"Who cares what he wants?" Hailey snapped, blocking out his response. She snatched the phone from me and ended the call.

"What the hell?"

"You'll thank me later."

"This isn't your fight," I reminded her.

"Maybe not, but I refuse to let you sink into depression every time he calls. So if you need to hate me for a few minutes, I'm okay with that."

I wrapped my arms around her. "I could never hate you. Thank you," I whispered.

"C'mon," she said, offering me her hand. "We're gonna go out and we're going to drink until we forget our names."

I laughed. "You don't drink anymore though."

"For you, I will," she said placing her hand over her heart.

"That's what you're wearing?" Hailey asked when I emerged from the bedroom half an hour later.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked, glancing at my black skinny jeans and matching Tessa top.

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