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Lauren and Will have

Signed me up for

Sailing lessons.

They will have a go too,

It's just a summer course

To fill up our time,

Every afternoon for a week.

I'm not sure what to do

About it all.

Will is still my boyfriend

And Lauren is my best friend but we have secrets

And tell lies.

But we don't all secretly dislike each other.

I mean, we are not popular,

vain, selfish girls.


I'm still

Fed up of the lies

But scared the truth will hurt.

I miss people

I once knew

And the memories

And the ideas.

A time when

We had our lives ahead of us.

One day I'll trip over because

I was looking back,

Over my shoulder,

Instead of forward

And watching where I was going.

I'm just trying to figure out

Whether you are

In front or behind me.

(found by the lake at Wild Cherry Park)

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