
398 27 0

Just like that,

Things can change.

You are sure you hate

Someone when


They wave you over,

A smile on their face

And say they're


Just like that we were friends again and

By the end of the day,

We were already

Re-discussing our plans for the summer.

In tennis we were partners and 

We chatted in English.

Just like that,

Things can change,

And even though it's not the same

Not even close,

I think it's a step in 

The right direction.

But I've spoken to a boy

In my History class, 

The same class you're in,

But  he's quiet and


He's nice though, and he makes me laugh,

Like you do.

Will is maybe the friend I needed when

I was alone but

I'm not alone anymore.

(Found written on a torn envelope)

FadedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora