Warrior ❀ Jacob Black [2]

Start from the beginning

"Never mind. Screw her and her beauty guru looking ass," Dani muttered trying to stop the laugh she wanted to let out at her last comment.

"You're something Dani, you know that?" Samantha asked, her voice laced with amusement.

"I'm a vampire that's what I know I am."


"You're late," the front lady said as she glanced at the two girl teenagers in front of her.

"We're aware of that," Samantha responded, rolling her eyes afterwards.

"And what's your excuse of being late?"

"Like everyone else is, we didn't want to come but we were forced to wake up and get dressed," Dani pointed out bitterly, earning an elbow to her side by Samantha.

"Miss. Santiago I'd watch that tone of yours if I were you."

"I'd watch that mouth of yours if I were you," Dani shot back.

"I'm very sorry about her Mrs. Eliot, she's been having a very rough morning," Samantha butted in. The least thing she wanted was Dani to lash out on the defenseless woman. All Samantha wanted right now was to be in class and get the next six hours of school over with.

"Here you go," Mrs. Eliot handed the teenagers their late passes which they took quickly from her.

As soon as the two stepped out of the office and the door had closed shut, Samantha raised her hand and slapped the back of Dani's head. "Ow! What the hell was-"

Samantha pointed at the girl,"You know what that was for. Now get your ass to class."

"Okay mom."


Samantha had her elbow on the desk while her chin rested on her palm, her lips formed into a thin line as her expression was nothing else but a boredom look. She was in her last class, her least favorite class, world history. Samantha didn't understand why she needed this class. Hell, she didn't even understand why she needed any of her classes. Basically what she's learning in all of her classes, she won't be needing in her life.

Her eyes drifted away from the white board, that the teacher was currently writing on, and looked through the window and Samantha's eyes widened at what she saw. They're stood a families russet toned Quileute boy, outside the parking lot, leaning against the hybrids car. Samantha blinked her eyes a couple of times and let them stay open for a second. Her eyes looked back at the spot where she saw the Quileute boy once stand at only to see nothing but just her as well as the rest her classmates cars.

Sighing, Samantha started to pay attention to the teachers lecture. She missed him. As much as she hated to admit it, she missed her imprints warm hugs. She missed the feeling of his soft lips pressed against hers. She missed the way he would wrap his arms around as she snuggled closer to him. She missed his voice, his laugh that, his body image. She missed everything about him.

She missed Jacob.

Nine months of being away from him were nine months of hell and torture for her. From what her brother had informed her in, Jacob had ran away and had been gone for a couple of months now. Samantha didn't want to hear why because she already knew why. Not too long ago, Edward sent her an invitation to his and Bella's wedding which was only a month away. Samantha assumed that Bella had given Jacob an invite which was probably the reason why he had left. The hybrid didn't want to intend the wedding because the human would be there but she also didn't want to miss out on Edward's big day.

Samantha's thoughts were cut off when the bell, signaling that school was over, had rung. All the students grabbed their belongings and rushed out of the classroom. The hybrid was the last to leave the room, as always. She wasn't trying to get mauled or run over from the class mates that acted as wild animals sometimes.

"Are you sure you're a teenager Sammy because you walk as if you're an old lady," Dami teased the hybrid who just shook her head.

Samantha turned the ignition on and the sound of her engine roaring was music to the hybrids ears. Besides food and her family, another thing that Samantha loved was her car, her child. She got it when she was fifteen which wasn't too long ago but Samantha cared for it as if it was a human beings life.

"Once you're done awing your car, I'd like to go eat," Dani said.

Before Samantha could say anything back, her phone began to ring causing her to give the finger to Dani before answering the call. She didn't look at caller ID, which was probably a mistake seeing as how the voice of the person made her stomach turn.



Woo! Woo! First chapter of the second book!

Well the ending wasn't what I suspected to be at first but I think it's ok aha Give this chapter a vote & don't forget to leave ur comments in the comment thingy lmao I'm so freaking excited to write breaking dawn! I got soo many things planned out for Samantha in the future which all you will be blowing tf away (I hope lol)

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