Favors ~Hisagi/Kensei One-Shot~

Start from the beginning

If there was one thing she knew he would have wanted of her, it was to fulfill his last favor to her. Find Shuuhei, Hisagi... the boy he had saved 100 years ago. And it was 100 years of searching, until she finally found him. It would have been hard not to notice him; the familiar number 69 was printed on his cheek. She could tell that he had clearly looked up to Kensei for having been saved by him. His admiration is what had allowed him to stand out to her.

When she first saw him, he was talking to another group of Shinigami, which turned out to be students in the Shinigami Academy. He was giving them advice, gesturing every so often. But she knew about Hisagi long before he appeared in Squad 9. He had become famous as a failing student in the Academy, unable to pass the final exam several times. It wasn't he was admitted through without having to finish the final exam due to his massive strength. He was apprenticed under Captain Tousen in Squad 9 until the betrayal of Squad 5's Sosuke Aizen, Squad 3's Ichimaru Gin, and Squad 9's Kaname Tousen.

Ever since then, Hisagi had taken over the responsibility of Squad 9 and its News Paper. He was also in charge of filing the reports for every Squad, which was a monstrous responsibility. She knew all this about him and his life, but still couldn't bring herself to talk to him. Even though those 100 years had come and gone, her broken heart was still not fully recovered. She thought it might never be.

"What the hell are you doing, Nathalie?!" An annoyed, impatient voice demanded from behind her suddenly, making her jump. Spinning on her heel, she found that the voice's owner was the Vice Captain of the Squad she was now currently in, Ikkaku. By his aggravated expression, she had the feeling that this wasn't a typical meet-and-greet.

"Hai?" She squeaked out, unnerved by the sheathed sword that was right in front of her nose. Despite the fact that she was relatively used to the threatening actions of the Vice Captain, she was never always calm around him. "What did I do?" By this point, she had noticed that Hisagi and the Shinigami Academy students had turned to see what was happening.

"You've got an assignment."


"Hollows are lose in the Human's World. It's your job to go clear 'em out," Ikkaku ordered, moving his sheathed sword from her nose to over his shoulder. When she didn't move for a minute, he gave a glare and an angry smirk. "Ya got a problem with it or something?!"

She put up her hands defensively, chuckling nervously. "N-nah, I'm going!" She said before turning on her heel and fleeing, but not before looking back at Ikkaku and sticking her tongue out at him. "Baldy!" You can bet that she hightailed it out of there fast after shouting that at her Vice Captain. One thing she had noticed before she had fled was that Hisagi was chuckling to himself, grinning at her retreating figure.


"Get back here! Teme!" Was the shout that Nathalie gave as she chased the last Hollow she was assigned to take down. It was running blindly, trying to escape the Shinigami on its tail. She waved her fist at it angrily, not in the mood for a wild game of tag. Of course, the Hollow had thought otherwise, and insisted on making her run all around town after it.

"Ha!" Somebody shouted as they came down from above, slashing down on the Hollow mask. The Hollow cried out as it disappeared, revealing the one who had swooped in and attacked it. To her surprise, Hisagi stood there, a hardened expression on his face. It reminded of her own tough exterior, which was quite different from the softer personality that was held inside. When he spotted her, the expression faded away into a softer one, as he headed over to her. "Oi, you okay?"

"H-hai..." She nodded, and then realized that that was the first word she had ever said to the boy. The boy that Kensei had told her to find. She imagined this moment so many times over, yet this one the one coincidence that she did not think of. "What are you doing here?"

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