Apparently ~Roxas One-Shot~

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"Are you sure this a good idea?"

"Positive! It'll be great!"

"But what if we get caught?"

"Come on, we can definitely out-run them!"

She sighed, knowing it'd be better not to protest anymore. She shouldn't wreck his good mood, that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Instead, she would go along with what ever he had planned, no matter how uncomfortable it made her feel. She couldn't stand to ruin that happy twinkle in his eyes, it was just too cute to resist. So, even if she didn't like it, she would go along with what he wanted to do.

So, the two snuck into the house, in search of the ball they had lost earlier. It wasn't her fault though, Roxas had hit it too hard with his wooden sword, and it went flying through an open window of one of the houses. Luckily, nothing was broken when they peered in through the window. Mallory had suggested that they ask the person living there if they could have it back, but when they knocked on the door, no one came to answer it. Then Roxas had come up with the idea of sneaking in, which was something Mallory couldn't refuse.

"Hey, I see it! Told you coming in here was a good idea!" Roxas cheered as he found the ball resting underneath a nearby coffee table. "Now we can play our game again!"

"Okay, but hurry! I don't wanna get caught in here!" Mallory squeaked, pushing Roxas toward the door with little nudges in an attempt at getting him to move faster. Roxas just laughed and grabbed the blue ball from under the table with one quick motion. He happily snatched her hand as he skipped out with his prize, oblivious to the blush staining the girl's cheeks due to the closeness and the fact that he was holding her hand. His grip was gentle yet reassuring, and she liked the way it felt against her skin. It was soft. Hesitantly, she threw a look back over her shoulder at the house they just escaped from.

She had expected to see an empty entrance way, but was instead greeted by something completely unexpected. A man in a long black cloak was gazing back at her and Roxas, who still hadn't noticed the man. The man caught Mallory's look and winked, giving a small wave. Mallory gasped and brought her and Roxas to a halt, shocked.

"Roxas! Roxas, look! Over in that house! There's somebody there!" She announced to him, trying to get him to turn. When they both looked back over at the doorway, however, there was nothing there except an empty door frame and a swinging door. The man had vanished without a trace. "Oh... I thought somebody was there for sure..." She muttered, dropping her pointing finger back down to her side.

"Aw, you're just tired!" Roxas insisted, laughing at her teasingly. "You'll feel better tomorrow."

Mallory looked at him, and gave a sheepish smile. "Yeah, you're probably right. Can we get some ice cream first before heading home?" She asked, looking hopefully in the direction of the clock tower. Roxas nodded, pulling her along as they ran uptown toward the clock tower, going to get the familiar sweet and salty frozen treat as they often did during summer vacation.

~~~ ^.^ ~~~

Mallory woke up with a start, shooting upright in her bed. It was the middle of the night, and she had just forcibly been awoken from one of the strangest dreams she had ever had. She tried to remember what it was, attempting to focus in on what she had just been through. There was another girl and a man in that dream, both were trying to talk to her, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. Roxas was there too, but when she tried to reach out to him, his image shattered like glass. The man, however, made Mallory freeze, her breath halting in her throat. It had been the man from earlier, the one she had thought she was just imagining.

Searching her thoughts, she tried to remember what he looked like. He was tall, with red spiky hair... and had green eyes? She shook her head, deciding it would be better not to think about it and just focus on trying to get more sleep. If she didn't she'd would sleep in too long and would be late to the Twilight Town Square and miss Roxas. She frowned, this was becoming a reoccurring matter. It had been going on for the last week and a half, and it was starting to really worry her. Who were those other two people in that dream, what was that girl trying to say to her? Who was that man, what did he want from her?

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