You're Such A Pervert! ~Luppi One-Shot~

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"Aki!" A voice chirped from behind where the silver haired girl was currently sitting and enjoying a good book.

She sighed in annoyance for being disrupted from the best part. Pushing her thin-rimmed silver glasses up, she returned her gaze to the neat printing on page 226.

Unluckily for her, hands covered her view of the page. They were pressed over her eyes, but not tight enough to crack the fragile glass of her glasses. The mysterious person leaned down so he could put his lips by her ear.

"Guess who?" He asked, smiling, blowing into the shell of her ear, making her shiver.

She sighed again in aggravation. "Luppi. Get off."

Luppi smirked from where he was leaning on top the couch, bending over enough to flirt with Aki while all she wanted to do was read her story.

"Well, isn't someone a little grumpy?" He teased, releasing his hold and straightening himself.

"I was reading." She said angrily, returning to the climatic point of her engrossing story.

Sadly for her, Luppi wasn't interested in just letting her peacefully return to her reading. He plucked the book from her hands and began to examine the cover.

"Hey! Luppi, give it back!" She protested, trying to snatch her book back from his hands.

"This isn't a porno, is it?" He asked coyly, looking over at her.

"No!" Aki gave another attempt to get her book back, blush covering her cheeks. "Dammit Luppi! Give me my book!"

He smirked before tossing back to her which she caught a little clumsily. She scowled at him, but he only smirked back.

"So, how's No. 15 doing?" He asked, settling next to her on the white couch.

"Fine, until you came in here, that is." She muttered, sliding away from the Espada.

Aki was the 15th Arrancar, but next in line to become an Espada when someone else dies or becomes demoted for some weird reason.

"Aww, don't be so cold, babe!" Luppi said, sliding closer to her despite her initial objection.

"Don't call me babe." She hissed, forcibly trying to push him away.

"But it suits you!" He insisted, fighting to keep his close spot next to the curvy girl. He pressed through her forces, claiming his close spot next to Aki. Leaning forward, he pressed his face up to hers.

"Luppi, back off." Aki argued, flustered. "Y-your too close!"

"You know you like it!" He teased, shooting her a smug smirk. She gaped at him in surprise, feeling the faintest tint of pink cross her cheeks.

Inside her head, an idea formed, and she smirked. Leaning her head forward, she gave him a seductive smirk. "Luppi..." She whispered to him. Gripping the edge of her book, she swung it hard to where it collided rather painfully against Luppi's cheek with all 500 paged fury. Luppi flew over the back of the couch with a howl of pain.

"You're such a pervert!" Aki yelled at him, smacking the top of his head when he appeared over the top of the couch.

"Gah!" He said as he fell back and hit the ground once more, a thin line of smoke floating from his cheek. He hopped up again in time to see Aki stomp off, her hips still swaying oh-so-seductively as she walked off to find quiet.

Luppi smirked at her retreating figure, watching her hips as they sashayed from side to side. He stared at her until she disappeared from site, before looking down at the couch. To his surprise, a book lay open in a way that the binding would be ruined if it were to be kept like that. Lifting the book up, he noticed that this was the book he snagged from Aki.

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