Once Upon A December ~Sasori One-Shot~

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Snow fluttered down to the ground from dark clouds as the winter night trudged on. Fire crackled in a nearby fireplace, illuminating the room with a warm, yellow flickering light. A woman with long dark blue hair sat on her knees in front of the burning fire, her green eyes reflecting the moving flames making her eyes seem to be aflame themselves. Behind her, three men stood and chatted quietly about something that she couldn't hear.

"She doesn't remember anything about her past, un?" A boy with long blonde hair asked softly.


Dancing bears
Painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
once upon a December


"No, it appears she doesn't seem to remember anything." Another man with red hair said.

"How do you know her?" The third man asked with dark blue hair like the woman who was sitting on the floor by the warm fire, oblivious to what they were discussing about her.

"She was a partner of mine in Suna when I was on a squad." The redhead answered, hazel eyes moving to look at the girl. He still couldn't believe that it was her. She looked so different, and age only seemed to add to the beauty...

"You were on a squad, Danna?" The blond asked curiously.

"Back in Suna before I left, yes." He answered, slightly irritated by the blonde’s snooping. The brat had no right to just ask all these questions so freely, most of this information was private. There was no reason that Deidara should know about his past, including who was on his old squad back in the old days of Suna.

"Sasori, what happened exactly?" The raven haired man asked.

"We were heading back after collecting information on the One-Tails when we found her collapsed on the ground, knocked out. We took her with us, and she doesn't seem to remember anything after she woke up not to long ago. She seems to have amnesia, Itachi." Sasori said to Itachi, the raven-headed man.

Itachi nodded before leaving the two men to report to a mission he was just recently assigned. The blond looked at Sasori, then to the woman, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Sooo Danna... you were just partners?" He said in a way that showed he was suspecting them to be something more.

"Deidara, you brat. That's none of your business." Sasori hissed, his hazel eyes flashing in annoyance at the blond.

"Alright, alright. Jeez, your so uptight." Deidara smirked.


Someone holds me, safe ans warm,

Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
across my memory,


Sasori walked swiftly across the room to where the woman sat, her eyes watching the wavering flame. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she craned her head to look at him. "Who are you?" Her head cocked slightly to the side as she said that, a look of puzzlement on her face. The man didn't look familiar at all, she had not the slightest clue as to who he was.

"My name is Sasori." He said to her calmly, searching for the faintest flicker of recognition. None sufficed. Inside of him, a small hope that had flourished died an insignificant and meaningless death. That's what he got when he became hopeful, a cruel slap from reality.

"Sas..ori..." She said quietly, testing out the name. She liked the way it rolled off her tongue, and repeated it several times before another question popped into her mind. "Who am I?" She asked him, the question repeating itself inside her head, bouncing off imaginary walls. Who am I? Who am I?

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