Speak Out ~Sasori One-Shot~

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Suza looked up at her crimson haired partner, staring at him with forest green eyes. His uninterested hazel eyes bored into her with some annoyance.

"What?" He asked, but she turned away, frightened. She didn't speak, her voice to silent to be heard very well anyway.

Sasori just sighed and ignored her, his mind trying to focus on the assassination mission that they had been assigned by Leader-sama.

The mission in itself was relatively simple in Sasori's opinion, just another easy kill. For Suza, however, the situation was something entirely different. Being the newest member of the Akatsuki, she was nervous. She was allowed in after she demonstrated her signature fuuton jutsu to the members. It wasn't the mission that had her worried, though, it was the person she was with that made her uncomfortable.

Akasuna no Sasori... Sasori of the Red Sand.

Suza was terribly afraid of Sasori, but it was mostly on account of what Sasori had said to her the day the two were introduced:

Sasori gave an interested look as Suza nodded at him. A small blood-thirsty look formed on his face and Suza flinched.

"A new doll to play with..."

Ever since Sasori said that to her, she had been terrified to go near the puppet master. She didn't seem to understand why he was so interested in her being, he really didn't know much about her, after all. Deidara was one of the only people that had heard her speak, in fact he was the one who encouraged her to become a member of the Akatsuki in the first place.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ="^-^"= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The mission was completed rather quickly and Sasori gazed down at Suza's tiny stature.

"Let's go. I'd hate to keep them all waiting." He stated, starting forward when Suza gave a solemn nod. She was looking forward to seeing Deidara, who was her best friend in the little group of evil people.

The walk back was quiet, just how Sasori preferred it. He stole a glance at his petite partner, his eyes flashing with interest.She never says anything to people, except that little brat Deidara... He thought, then returned his gaze back to the beaten path before them. Truthfully, he wanted to hear Suza's voice quite badly. Everything about the mysterious girl was too quiet and timid... The way she breathed, how her eyes darted about as her head was kept down facing the ground. It seemed too secretive.

With unnaturally jointed fingers, he brushed his fiery red hair from his brown eyes. With this action, he managed to steal another glimpse at the girl. Running his eyes over her features, he examined her discreetly.

She was short with curves that were only accentuated more from her clingy flowery black kimono. She had long silver hair that flowed down to her waist. Two of her long silvery locks had white ribbons wrapped around them, a few flowers that matched her kimono secured to the top of her head where the ribbon wrapping began. Her skin was a peachy-pale shade with cheeks that had a natural pink tint to them, giving the illusion that she was always blushing. Her deep forest green eyes were her most striking feature however, contrasting with her light looks.

She was pretty.

A small cough brought him back to reality and Sasori blinked a few times. He stared down to see the deep emerald-like eyes of Suza looking up at him with slight embarrassment. She had caught him watching her, saw the flicker of interest in her eyes. She turned away after a second and started to walk again, motioning for Sasori to hurry up with a tiny smile on her face.

She hated to be late.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ="^-^"= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Come on, Suza! You still haven't told him, un?" Deidara said, exasperated.

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