Over-Protective ~Hitsugaya One-Shot~

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"Dear god, I hate paperwork..." She looked over at the white-haired Captain, pouting slightly. "How do you deal with this kind of thing?!"

"Just hurry up and finish. I finished my work hours ago," He told her slightly impatiently with a sigh. "Waiting like this is aggravating."

"Oi! At least you don't have to fill in for Head Captain while is out. I have almost ten times the amount of paperwork you do!" She complained, slamming her head down on the desk in defeat. It was practically 10 o'clock at night, and they--or rather she--had been doing the strenuous task of completing paperwork since seven this morning. Her hand burned and she was on the verge of crying because of it.

"Shut up and finish," Was the harsh command that her lover gave her.

"You could stand to help me out here!!!" She yelled as he took another lazy sip of his tea, reclining comfortably on the couch. Toshiro only glanced over at her and shrugged indefinitely. She saw this and sighed pitifully, shaking her head in defeat. "You're so mean..."

He sighed and got up from his comfortable seat, unable to resist her pouts. "You are such a nuisance..." He muttered before plucking up a pen and pecking her quickly on the forehead before he joined her at the table to help her fill in the outrageous amount of work in front of them.


"Ohayo, Mallory-san."

Mallory shivered at the voice. She knew it was rude too, but she couldn't help it. If you knew about the way he acted around her, you would understand the reason behind the fears. Turning, she pasted a fake smile on her lips and faced the fox-like Captain. Bowing her head in respect and to hide her unease, she felt goosebumps rise to her skin.

"Ohayo, Gin-san."

The man smirked as Mallory tried to focus her eyes elsewhere, going out her way to look at anywhere but that smug, creepy expression. Gin only grinned at this, used to the fact that she never seemed to willingly want to speak to her. She muttered something along the lines of a 'I must be on my way', and tried to pass the silver-haired Third Squad Captain. To her surprise, he blocked her with an out-stretched arm.

"Excuse me, Gin-san. I really must be going," She said, this time having the slight tinge of fear mixing into her voice. Even though she was a Shinigami worthy of the title 'Head Captain', she was always unnerved by the strange man. She didn't really know what it was about Gin that frightened her, whether it be his always smirking lips or the dark aura he always seemed to give off. Or when he did things like he was right now, for instance.

Lifting her eyes from Gin's arm, she looked at him with slightly widened eyes. All that met her eyes was the smug smirk and the silver bangs that fell in front of his eyes. She stayed where she was, frozen, hardly able to breathe.


The impatient voice that met their ears made Mallory want to sigh out in relief. Gin cracked open one eye swiftly to reveal the icy blue-white iris. It was closed quickly, however, as if the sun hurt his eyes. His smile faded for a brief moment before he lifted his head to stare at the cold Squad Ten Captain. Gin's smile did little to change Hitsugaya's set scowl. Gin dropped his arm to his side with a dull 'clap'.

"Ohayo, Toshiro-san."

Gin's formal good morning did nothing to sway Hitsugaya's mood. Mallory's eyes moved from one face to the other before Hitsugaya placed a protective arm around the girl's shoulders, pulling her close with a protective expression. Mallory just gawked at the two of them with a confused and somewhat frazzled expression until Hitsugaya excused both of them. He left, dragging her in tow with him. Mallory looked behind her at the creepy man, watching his head tilt slightly and flashing a larger version of that ever present smirk on his lips. The image made her shiver.

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