Freeloader! ~Renji One-Shot~

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Renji frowned at the question, scowling at the ground as Jinata popped into his head. "They've got me working all freaking day and night! And over what? A few extra lousy bowls of rice?" Despite that Varunee could clearly see that he was fuming, she couldn't help but laugh. She shaking her head, she placed a hand on his shoulder causing him to look down at her.

"You're welcome to stay with me. I don't mind any extra company." She smiled up at him and Renji looked shocked.

"You've got a place here? When you get one?" He asked her, wondering why the hell she didn't mention such an important factor earlier. Varunee just rolled her eyes at him, a smirk playing on her lips.

Crossing her arms, she nodded. "'Course I do, baka!" She sang the last word, knowing it got on his nerves. "I practically live here because of all the assignments I'm forced to do by Captain Byakuya." She sighed in annoyance, remembering the onslaught of work she still was expected to do. But from work comes the reward of completing it and the relaxation of being back in the Soul Society, so she would do it begrudgingly. It wasn't hard smacking down a few Hollow here and there, but it was tedious having to flash-step back and forth throughout town throughout the day. In fact, it pretty much sucked.

An idea popped into her mind as she thought back of her apartment. "You wanna stay at my apartment?"

"Under what conditions?" He asked almost automatically, the idea of him being let in by her so easily startling and slightly embarrassing him. Varunee was one of his friends sure, but he knew it was more than that. Ever since childhood the two were close, like family. It didn't take long for him to become attracted his best female friend, considering how mature she was now too. As a child, she was like one of the boys.

Her hair was short back then, pure coal black. She was always simply mistaken for a boy, which aggravated her to no end. As she grew up though and became a Shinigami, she changed into a more girly person. Her natural black hair was replaced by dyed coppery-brown curls that compliment her dark skin tone. She was curvaceous yet not over accentuated like some girls were. It was easy to fall for a girl that looked like her.

"No charge, baka. Free food and a place away from Jinata's constant barking." She poked his nose, a habit she had been used to doing since childhood. Renji flinched at the flick, not because it necessarily hurt, but the general closeness she was getting at that made him slightly uncomfortable. Noticing his change in expressions, she leaned back and hid a scarlet blush behind her curly hair. She found it cute when he did that, looking so innocent. It was like back in the old days, when they first met.

"So... Just a recap..." Renji said, smirking. "You want me to come over tonight to sleep?"

Scarlet crossed her cheeks. 'N-not like that! You can be such a pervert, ya know that?"

"Yeah, yeah... It come from hanging 'round Urahara-san to much. And you'd really let me stay with you?" Renji said, still unsure if she was joking or not. She was always bouncing from serious to being a joker. Not in a way that made her seem bipolar, but it was still confusing.

"Of course. You've handled hundreds of my shifts, so it's the least I can do." She reassured him with a smile. Renji grinned back, happy to know that for once, he wasn't the freeloader.


He walked back to her apartment after he had gathered his stuff and happily left the brat Jinata and the perverted Urahara behind. No more constant and demeaning cleaning for him, scrubbing the same spot over a thousand times! Now, he didn't have to worry about those kinds of things. In fact, he had a new worry in mind though: what to do about Varunee? The thought made his cheeks tint, stripping him on his 'manly tough' exterior.

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