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after fixing his make-up and trying to wrap his head around luke's random spike of confidence, he walks out of the locker room but is stopped when he hears a voice in the hallway, talking to one of the girls he couldn't stand, it was kayla and ashton.
"maybe you could come back to my place this weekend ash-" calum furrowed his eyebrows angrily, he didn't know ashton was bisexual, he just figured the boy was fully homosexual and he also wondered why ashton didn't bother to tell him what he wanted to fuck other people.
"um kayla, i dont know about that, it was just a one time thing, but i guess i could possibly make an exception." calum remembered when ashton told him that some months ago, and now they slept together very often.
the boy in the blue and pink shorts sneakily peeks from behind the wall and sees their face quite close to each others.
and then they kissed. he gasped quietly and covered his mouth.
he felt betrayed, ashton knew how much he didn't like kayla. calum thought ashton and him were making progress with their relationship, calum wanted to be more and he figured ashton just wanted sex.
in a matter of seconds, a tear rolled down calum's face as he went back into the locker room and wiped away his ruined makeup and he blew his noses and wiped his eyes one last time before heading to the gym to start his cheerleading try-outs. he glared at kayla whenever she talked. for the rest of the day he ignored ashton's texts and calls. calum didn't want to speak to him, not yet. when calum got home that night, he did his homework and went to sleep with his window closed and locked with his curtains covering the glass.
"i'm nothing to him, nothing at all. he doesn't love me. he lied to me . ." he mumbled as he fell asleep on his comfy bed.


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