"Come on", he said while putting a hand arouns my waist and pulling me with him. It felt so good to have his hand around me.

"Hey! Wait up!", Josh shouted jogging behind us. We went inside and I went into a shop that I first saw. It's not women shop though. It's a men shop. Bane and Josh came with me. Bane gave me a confused look.

"I have everything I need. Actually, I wanted to buy you a shirt and also a jeans. A whole dress", I said smiling and blushing a little. Bane came to me and pulled me closer. He leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"You don't need to", he said in my ear.

"But I want to. Please", I said giving him my puppy face. He nooded his head. I grinned and walked around looking for a right shirt for him. Josh just sat at the corner, but after some time, he started flirting with a women in the store. I rolled my eyes at him. Bane is just observing me and my every movement.

There are a lot of brands with differetn trypes of different coloured shirts. I don't know his favourite brand, his favourite colour. I remembered how he filled his whole closet with new clothes for me. He did so much for me, but I didn't do anything! I took a green shirt and tried to gauge Bane reaction for it. His face is neutral like always. No emotion. I put it back.

I rummaged through different shirts. What to do?, I thought to myself.

Follow your instincts, my wolf said. She is right.

I went around and found a shirt. A white shirt with a number one on it with a dark blue colour. I instantly took it out. I went to the other side and picked out a light blue jeans. I went to him smiling and gave them to him.

"Here. Try these on", I said and he nodded before going inside a trail room.

I eagerly waited outisde. Pacing around while looking at the door every few seconds.

Why isn't he coming out?, I thougth.

Maybe he needs help, my wolf suggests. I rolled my eyes at her.

Just then the door opens and the stood Bane. Looking sexy as hell. The clothes fit him perfectly. The sleeves are rolled up. How should I describe him? Sexy?! Dashing?! Hot?! A pure sexy and handsome breed of male gender! I squealed in excitement and went to him, kissing him on his lips hardly. I put my hadns arouns his necka nd pulled away instantly.

"Bane! You look so handsome! See, I knew you would look great in them. I selected it because it has one on it. Meaning you are the number one in the pack and my heart! You are looking so hot in these clothes-", I stopped my ramblings when I realized how much I said and what I said. I looked down blushing. My wolf is ignoring me, checking our mate.

I called him handsome and hot! I told him that he is number one is my hear and in pack! What might he be thinkging of me?! You stupid! I scolded myself.

"Bane, I am sorr-", he cut me off with his fingers on my lips. He lips twitched into a very very small smile.

"Don't say sorry. I love, we love that our mate thinks about us like that. I am happy to know that I have a place, first place in your heart", he said and leaned down to kiss my lips. I blushed furiously and kissed him back for a moment. We heard a throat clear and found Josh with his hand drapped over the shoulder of the sales women.

"Umm... Sir, do you want me to pack these clothes?", she askes looking at Bane. She squirmed under Josh's hand.

"No. Just bill them. I want to wear them now", he said looking at me. I blushed while looking down.

"Okay sir", she said leaving, escaping Josh. He turned back to look at her. He sighed and turned back to us.

"Let's go to the restaurant beside the mall", he said boringly. Bane is still holding me.

"Who is she?", I asked Josh.

"No one. I just flirted with her anf thought she fell. But she didn't. She had a nice ass though". I looked at him with disgust.

We billed the clothes and came out. Bane kissed my cheek while Josh isn't looking. We were walking out the mall and some girls turned their heads backwards looking at Bane. My jealousy coursed through my veins. I glared at them.

"Now, do you understand how I feel when other males look at you? I feel it ten times more", Bane said in my ear and I blushed again. I can't blame them though. He is looking hot.

We were just walking to the restaurant when I hit a girl without seeing. Her bags fell down. I said sorry and bent down to help her. She smiled at me saying it's okay. Jusrt as I bent down, I heard a glass breaking behind me and I looked around. bane is alret and pulled me to a side. There is another bullet that ran straight from in front of my eyes, just an inch closer.

Bane covered my body with his. I searched around and found those dark blue eyes again, staring at us.

Who is that person?


Hey my dumplings!

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