Thursday- Swhedha

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Hi, hello it's me again and this book reached 700 reads which is crazy awesome! Thanks everyone who read this book and whoever reading it right now. Btw this is going to be a short chapter cause nothing happened that is really interesting.
I came late to school again and we had french in the morning copying down plural stuff and then we did Art all in the same period. The art was making some owl thing and it was supposed to be water coloured but she made us colour it in pencil crayon. Go figure. During first recess me and a couple of other friends did door monitoring, even though thats the job for 6 graders. My french teacher doesn't like us doing the door for a shitty reason. She said that its an excuse to go on our phones and she wants us to ask her for permission even though she isn't even the teacher in charge of the doors. Tf. So she suspected us after recess and my friends said they were, but I lied and said I was going to the office to get my lunch and went straight outside. After recess we did something but to be honest I can't even remember.
So during lunch pretty much the whole class that didn't have something to do were talking about the old times and how awesome grade 4 was.
In grade 4 we basically were the worst behaved class in the school, never did homework, talked all the time, etc.  At Lunch recess we just did volleyball practice and then went to class.
After lunch recess we had language and we talked about cyberbullying and true stories like Kick A Ginger Day. We looked at our nasty eco systems and then soon after it was recess. During recess me and friends were just playing volleyball and kicking soccer balls to the other side of the field. Or at least we tried to get it to the other side of the field. After we had math where we talked about percents and stuff and our math teacher was making so many bad puns. I forgot what they were but they were bad. So soon after it was school over and yay.
I think one bad thing that happened that school day is that I kept on getting hurt. One friend accidentally elbowed me in the shoulder and smacked me in the face. Then I stubbed my toe on the door and then Valentina stepped on the other foot and it HURT. Also my finger got smashed between two desks and it was bruised. Also someone opened the door when I behind it and my nose got hit. So thats the end of my painful school day.
P.S. VOTE AND COMMENT and share PLEASE  seriously every time I look at the comments section its Shawn crying because we didn't give him a shoutout.

Shoutout to Bell for advertising our story in her class.

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