Wednesday - Valentina

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Wednesday, October 13th, 2015.
(Not edited)

Well I have a lot to say about today.. some good some bad, but, first I'll just introduce myself real quick. First of all, my name is Valentina and my birthday is on the 15th of February (if only I was born like 3 hours earlier it would've been Valentine's Day). I am pretty tall (167cm) actually the tallest in my class muahaha. I have blue/greenish yes and long silky dirty blonde hair. I was born in Canada and raised in Syria but due to the current civil war me and my family came back to Canada around 3 years ago so I might make some grammar mistakes since i'm not fluent. I'm a very weird person but I don't think its a bad thing. I'll stop here for now then each chapter ill say a bit more about myself.


Umm so how do I start this? Well, first I woke up which means i'm alive. Yey for life. I don't think I actually ate breakfast. I'll fast forward a bit now this is boring. I'm at the Inst. music class but we didn't even get to play today I was actually looking forward to playing. BTW I got the drums.. SORRY SWHEDHA (not. muahaha). We did some boring work and I noticed that my music teacher is like a huge fan of the Blue Jays that he even gave us points if we get some random questions right about the Jays. After recess we had my french immersion teacher and to be honest she talks way too much in my opinion and I'm pretty sure my whole class agrees. She even once talked for so long that we didn't get time for P.E. We just colored some maps but what made me mad is the boys around me always making weird acronyms for BTS (Bangtan Boys - a kpop bad) but I was able to not murder them and hold it (I'm just so wise. cookie needed.)


Okay now this is where I have quite a bit to say actually. After I changed classes to go to the English class (Half day french, half English for F.I), Someone comes up to me and tells me the Volleyball coach wants to talk to me and I didn't really want to go because on Thursday, he kicked me off the team for such a STUPID reason. I FORGOT MY RUNNING SHOES. I mean seriously? and he says I haven't been taking volleyball seriously at all so why even bother coming.. He's the one that made all the girls who joined the team do Crosscountry (running long distances) right before the practice so isn't it normal that I'd be a bit tired? and trust me, I don't do sports but I just wanted to try volleyball and I was actually good so I've been joining the team since grade 5. Anyways.. I actually even went yesterday to see like maybe he calmed down but as soon as I enter this is what he tells me "What are you doing here? I thought I told you you're done. Goodbye." so I just leave without even saying anything. Now I went to see him and I had a feeling that he's gonna say I get a second chance to do volleyball and I did but the way he told be was really unpleasant. He was basically yelling at me from as soon as I get there. "You haven't been taking volleyball seriously at all this year and you've gotten even worse than last year and I don't know how it's possible to do that. Now I've decided to give you a second chance only if you're going to show me you're going to take this seriously and we're gonna start from scratch so you're not gonna play right away. Understood?" he said. I mean yes I understand but is this really the way you're going to tell me i'm back on the team? shouldn't a coach at least say SOME encouraging words? I said "Yes." and then went back to class. After I finished my lunch and went to the gym I just proceeded and went to sit on the bench while the girls were playing against the boys. I was sitting the whole time but what I noticed was that the coach pays like 10x more attention to how the boys play than the girls and the only focused on how they played. It obviously seemed to me prefers them other us. Ever since the volleyball tournament last week. I don't really care at this point anymore and I'm almost 100% sure i'm not joining the team next year. Not after the way he treated me. After the practice was done I went outside since we had a little but left of lunch recess and find Serena, one of my bestfriends wearing my sweater looking all warm and cozy while i'm here freezing like an ice block. I was surprised to see the girls sitting with boys in a mini circle though, we usually just don't really do that. After I sat there for like five minutes the bell rang and we went inside but them headed to the gym for a Free The Children Assembly. I really liked it and the topic was "Transformation" and when we have our "Trasformative moment." the girl was really nice and she was really good at singing. While she was talking to us she said a quote which really stayed in my mind and it was "We Live In a World Where Only Certain People Benefit From." and though it was really sad it was completely true and also talked about how in Jamaica she would see people applying bleaching cream in hopes of getting lighter and it wasn't for beauty it was for opportunity and I was just shocked because I realized that the world we live in is really rotten. All the racism, poverty, labor and war going on but some people turning a blind eye to it or not really caring at all. After the assembly was done and we went up and took a look at our science experiment/project which is buliding a mini ecosystem and observing all the mini interactions. We just built them yesterday and I did hear that it will start smelling a bit but I was so disgusted. I'm pretty sure mine had the nastiest smell ever. It smelled like freaking dog food and poop mixed together. I opened the lid so I can see and write the observations but oh my lord. Not only was I disgusted, everyone around me was too.

Wow. I sure had a lot to say about today. anyways.. I'm just going to stop her for today and I'm sorry if this was really boring if you endured reading it up to here you deserve a cookie but sadly I don't have any sorry lel. This is my first time ever writing something on wattpad (other than the introduction for this book tehee.) so I still have a lot to learn and improve on so I hope I do well...

P.S: I'm like a huge kpop fan (if you don't know what that is i'm very disappointed) so I'm probably going to mention some groups sometimes such as BTS, BIGBANG, GOT7, EXO, DAY6, iKon etc..

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