Chapter 1 - Moving In With My New Stepbrother

Start from the beginning

          I got outside of the car and stood outside the front door while my dad rang the doorbell. I have my fingers crossed behind my back, hoping that Leandro won't be the one to answer the door. And just when I was about to lose hope, the door opened. Revealing my stepmother. Aira.

          "Hi honey I missed you so much!" Aira said her head facing my dad. "Oh and you're Gabriel? Right?" She said when she noticed that I was there. I just nodded slowly, trying to think of anything to say. Aira seems kind and she's gorgeous. I think that that's the reason why dad chose her.

          "Well then, come in. " she said nicely while gesturing us inside her home. I slowly entered the room, it has very nice furniture. And judging from the outside, the inside is much bigger than what I expected it to be. "Make yourselves at home. " Aira said. We were just looking and my dad was the first one to break the silence,

          "Where's Leandro? " he said "I want Gab to meet his new stepbrother. " dad added with his arms around me in a proud manner. I knew it! I knew it! Leandro is my new stepbrother! "Leandro was just outside playing basketball with his friends awhile ago, but he'll come back since it's already getting to late." Aira replied. After that, I heard the door opening and then closing.

          "Speaking of Leandro." Aira said while smiling "Welcome home sweetie. He's your stepfather, Angelo." Aira said while gesturing kindly to my dad. "Hi Leandro, I'm your new father. I do hope that we will get along nicely." My dad said with a friendly smile on his face. "Leandro," Aira said while turning Leandro's attention to me. "here's your new stepbrother, Gab-" but before Aira could even finish her sentence, Leandro was already talking "Gabriel? What are you doing here? " Leandro asked with pure confusion written on his face. "Well Leandro, since you just came back, Gabriel is your new stepbrother." Aira explained, but that's not all, she then cheerfully added "and you're going to share a room together for the time being."

          Pure shock is what I'm feeling right now. "What?!" Me and Leandro both exclaimed. "But mom, why? " Leandro asked her mom. "Don't worry, Gabriel won't be a bother to you plus he's only staying a few days in your room. Right, Gab?" Aira said looking at me. "Yes Aira, I will not be bothering Leandro at all costs." I promised with matching roll of my eyes. I didn't mean to be rude I was just annoyed, don't even know why. "See sweetie? He won't be a bother to you. " Aira said reassuringly "Hmmp." Leandro muttered to her mom. Sure and that's going to be my reaction if Leandro was moving into my house.

          "Leandro? Can you please help Gabriel carry his stuff to your room?" Aira asked politely to her son. Leandro sighed and then said "Fine." He helped me carry my stuff to his room. I was expecting his room to be a total mess, but I was wrong.

          When I got inside his room, it was perfectly clean. Hmmm maybe Aira does like to be on top of things, I thought. And then there's 2 beds on either walls, there's also a desk and a bookshelf on Leandro's bed which was unmade. I never thought that Leandro liked reading. I just kept scanning his room and it was pretty nice. There's some poster of basketball players that I do not know the name of posted on the walls, two closets, one big window in the center of the room which was good for the light to come in and then a big fluffy red carpet on the floor. I'll text Pam after this, I thought.

          Leandro was the first to break the awkward silence. "Uhhh, I'm surprised that you're my stepbrother. You can take the other side." He muttered while looking away from me. "Yea same here." I muttered while looking away from him.

          Because for me, I liked Leandro and whose gonna be in the same condition as I am right now. I put my things into my bed and there's desk for mine too. Alright I'll set up my Computer there. I put my Monitored screen together in a one CPU. Commonly played League of Legends all the time. While setting up my Computer and the monitors altogether. I was interrupted by Leandro. "What are you doing?" He said to me full concerned. "I'm setting up a Computer for me, you're welcome to use it By the way." I said while not looking at him. After I finished setting up my PC I quickly turned it on. "YES" I said it and fist pumping through the air. Leandro looked at me weirdly. I sat into my comfy chair. I started playing LoL and I noticed Leandro watching behind me. I ignored it and keep playing LoL. Few minutes later, Leandro got bored and got to his Bed. Finally being watched by Leandro was giving me the chills.

          After a few minutes later, Again. Aira called us downstairs to eat dinner. Me and Leandro got down at the same time. Aira greeted us at the dinner table. "Hey boys, Dinners ready." She said. We both nodded and we took a seat next to each other. Dad broke the silence. "So Gab, why didn't you tell me that Leandro was your classmate?" I almost chocked at my food. "Uhh, I don't want to talk about it." I shuttered and looked down. Half of it was true though, I really don't want to talk about it cause Leandro was being a Asshole in our class. "Ok, so Leandro, how much you know about Gab in your Class?" Aira ask Leandro curiosity. "Uhh, he's always quiet in class but never pays attention in class." Leandro shrugged. The reason I'm not paying attention is I kept thinking about Leandro and shits and stuffs. "I'm not hungry anymore, I'm going upstairs."

          I got up from my seat and go to our room and start playing LoL. I yelled a bit while playing the game. I want to forget what happened a while ago. While I'm playing LoL, I heard the door opened, guessing that was Leandro. Leandro opened the door and closed it quietly. He just looked at the screen and just headed to his bed. Leandro keep staring at me half through of my game. Maybe he's curious what I've been doing in my previous home. Or he staring at me for no reason..

Hey Guys,
So this is my new story, :/ sorry for not updating my previous story 'Happy Birthday Joe' I was planning to make a story sooner but i got a idea to watch all the Intramurals. So pls Enjoy this story leave a Vote, and Comment. Why not follow me on Wattpad for more Updates :)

Crazy In Love For My Stepbrother (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now