Chapter 4:: Assignment and an Autobot?!

Start from the beginning

:: hey Orion do you think it would be alright if I went for a walk?::

" As long as you use caution and refrain from getting under foot " he replied.

:: Thanks :: he held out his servo and I jumped on and he lowered me down to the floor and I jumped off and started walking towards the door. :: be back soon::

" be cautious" he replied .

:: Always:: I  replied  as I walked out the door and into the corridor

I  walked down the hall a good ways just looking around it still amazed me how big these guys were, but they really need some help with interior design this place is entirely too dreary for my taste maybe a little more color  would be make a difference. I was brought out of my thoughts by  the sound of metal hitting metal I ran toward the sound and came to where one corridor connected to another. I cautiously looked around the corner and saw what had been making the noise. It was Arcee!!! There were three Vehicons on the ground and a she was standing on ones chest-plates  yelling.

" Where is Optimus?!" she drew back her fist  a blade on her arm" Answer me!!!" she yelled as more Vehicons rounded the corner and started shooting. She used the Vehicon she was standing on as a shield then she dodge rolled to the side unsheathed two blades in her arms jumps and uppercuts and right hooks another Vehicon in face then she dodges another Vehicon backflips grabs the Vehicon by the neck with her legs and flips him sending him flying she then transforms her servos into guns and begins running and shooting at the only Vehicon still standing. The Vehicon  starts sparking and begins to sway back and forth as Arcee jumps and transforms into a motorcycle in mid air jumping over the Vehicon that was still standing and landing on the head of the Vehicon she had flipped moments before. She takes off down the hall at top speed I followed behind her as quickly as I could as she took down another Vehicon I slipped by the other two as they tried to hit her  as she raced down the corridor.


( Orion's POV)

I heard a commotion from outside my workstation it sounded like weapons discharging ,  Annabeth had still not returned from her walk. No one would fire upon the human child? would they? fear clenched my spark for a brief moment. No, no one aboard the nemesis would  fire upon the youngling this I was sure of. ,but that raised the question what were they firing upon? I walked toward the door  to see if I could  discover whom was causing the disturbance. Upon looking out the door I saw  two Vehicons running down the corridor toward the sound of blaster fire. One of them stopped and looked at  me saying

" Orion, please return to your station Lord Megatron's orders" I did not wish to disobey Lord Megatron, but my curiosity regarding the matter was to great for me to dismiss. I made my way to where the disturbance seemed to originate from. I rounded the corner and saw that Soundwave was there perhaps he could shed some light on what had transpired here.

" I heard a commotion" I stated as Soundwave looked over his shoulder and walked away. why had he not responded to my question. What has transpired here that I am not permitted to know? Has something happened to my young charge?!


(AB Pov)

  I rounded the corner  just in time to see Soundwave round the corner at he end of the hall way and Arcee accelerate towards him. She jumped into the air about to run him over when a green vortex opened up right in front of him. Arcee went straight through it but she didn't come out on the other side and the green vortex disappeared just a quickly as it had appeared as I saw Orion round the corner.

" I heard a commotion"  stated Orion. Soundwave looked over his shoulder and walked away. Rude he didn't even respond to his question. Soundwave walked past me and spared me a glance and he continued on his way. I don't know what it is but something about Soundwave doesn't bode well with me. I look after him as he makes his way down the corridor until he is out of sight and then walked toward where Orion was standing.

:: Hey Orion hows the weather up there?:: he looked down at me a relieved look on his face plates.

" fine thank you Annabeth. do you know what transpired here?" he asked

:: An  Autobot  found her way aboard the Nemesis :: I replied

" I see" he nodded  "I believe it would we best if we return to my station." he replied offering his hand. I hopped on and we made our way back to his room. He set me back on the terminal and I began looking back over the information that had been given to me as Orion continued to try and decode the database. A few hours passed I had read through all the information and made sure I had all the things I would require for tomorrow. I stood up to stretched my legs when the door opened I turned to see who it was. it was a silver, grey and red bot with wings and ........highheels? ........... it took a second but it finally clicked. it was Starscream!! Lord Megatron's supposedly deceased second in command. He was carrying four energon cubes in his servos as he entered the room and upon seeing Orion he looked at him in shock saying

" NO!! Optimus Prime!!!" he dropped the cubes and aimed the missiles on his arms at Orion.

( Authors note:: and done I apologize for the wait we recently had a death in the family so I haven't had much time to sit down and write and my stupid phone wouldn't quit deleting it >:< . As usual for disclaimers I don't own Transformers Prime or the Orion Pax story Arc it belongs to Hasbro all credit goes to Hasbro   ( T~T) but I do however own this story. I would ask you all to point out any grammar errors and Ocish tendencies so that I may fix them and if anyone has tips for writing fight scenes please leave a comment. A special thanks to Pumpkincat for all the help , Dragon Ninja my Rp buddy, and to the rest of my friends here on Wattpad you guys are awesome and I couldn't do it with out you. This particular chapter is dedicated to my dear uncle.  Who always told me that we are remembered for what we do and the way we present ourselves and to give God the glory in all that you do.  my uncle  lived that life every day and he will live on forever in the hearts and minds of everyone he met because he was an example every day of his life. we're gonna miss ya Unc. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter until next time my friends God bless. )

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