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Lay down beside me
And I'll show you a spectacular something
That, I hope, will go beyond you dreams
Because we're gonna go stargazing

When everything around us
Is covered by darkness
We'll see the shining stars
Come out, showing us their blinking brightness

With those stars we'll draw lazy patterns
And laugh at our innocent stupidity
All the while we'll cherish
That moment's beautiful simplicity

Let's forget our problems
Because looking at these stars can do us so much good
As they'll always continue to mesmerise
And make us relax like we should

I want to show you
How beautiful they look
And maybe, I want to look at you
In the light of these stars, in our little nook

Lay down beside me
And I'll show you a spectacular something
That, I hope, will make you believe in life's beauty
Becuase we're gonna go stargazing

Hi guys!!
Its a sort of early update don't you think? Cuz i updated in the same week!!!

Why? Because today suddenly (after staring at math book for ages) I just felt like writing a poem and voila!!
Please comment on what you think about this poem...for once I willingly wrote a happy poem! Yay me !! Oh and don't forget to vote ^-^

There is nothing much to talk about...
Oh and before I forget... I'm 5 reads short from getting 600 reads in whaaat?
Amd well I've reached a 100 comments!!
May not seem much but this is way more than I expected :)
Thank you so so so so much definitely are the best :D
Coffee for everyone!!!(and for those who don't like coffee then just take it as a your favourite beverage :P )

Lots and lots of love and words,
Charlie Tango £>

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