Sea Shore

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I lay on the sand
Feeling cold to the bone
I reached out for your hand
And realised you were gone

The waves of the sea
Crash into and wash over me
Taking away pieces of my heart
That had once belonged to me

When you found me
On the sea shore
I thought you saved me
Only for shock and disappointment to take hold

Because I realised I never left my spot
By the ocean
Because all you did was get me caught
In happiness' illusion

The day you first smiled at me
You told the waves to leave
The day you kissed me
You made the waves embrace me

But the day you left me
You weren't there to keep the waves back
Against deadly rocks did they shove me
Not having any intention of letting me come back

When my body had been ravaged and destroyed
Broken beyond repair
I reached out, like every time, onto land
And instead of your warmth I found cold, wet sand.

That sand made me want to scream
To shout and punch myself again and again
Thinking- why had I trusted you?
Only to be let down again.

Hi guys!!! :)
Not one of my best sure...but I seem to have lost my flow :/
This is for Anisha411 who gave the lovely suggestion of a topic to write on....Thanks so much for the supposrt and awesome comments...Love you!
This poem could have been better I think... comment your thoughts please!
I'll be updating in te next ten minutes :)
What do you guys think about the new cover and name?
Yay or nay?
( I just used the phrase that sounds meaningless to me... Like noise made by a horse)
Okay I'm weird as I'll just go type my next poem :D

Rainbows for everyone!!!!! (to make your days all the more colourful)
Lots and lots of Loe and Words,
Charlie Tango £>.

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