Flying Home

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Scarlets POV
I shot out of bed and was I the hallway in split two seconds because of screams. I was then faces with 4 angry girls.
"Why do I have wings?!?!" Lucy shouted.
I yawned "that's what makes you truly a dragon slayers mate"
Romeo walked out holding Wendy's hand. I walked towards him
"I wanna see your wings" I told him truthfully
He yawned and let out his beautiful light blue wings. The other 4 girls let out their wings and I loved them they were so pretty. I let out my wings and got many gasps
"What did something happen to them?!" I said worried about my wings.
"No they are" Lucy breathless. I looked at my wings and smiled they were pure white and had black swirls in them.
"How do you use wings anyway?" Levy questioned
"Well your supposed to be told by your mate. You see dragon slayers have this natural ability to fly" I explained as the other guys walked out of their rooms and instantly looked starstruck at their mates breathtaking wings. Rogue hugged me from behind. Now everyone attention was on me and Rogue. Our wings were exact opposites his black with white and mine white with black.
"Who wants to learn how to fly after dinner?"
They all cheered.
Masters POV
"Master it has been 3 days when is my son returning?" Macao asked concerned for his young son.
"He should be back soon I suppose"
"You suppose? This is my son and I need to know when he is coming back!!"
"I don't know Macao it depends on how fast the process goes"
"Its just I'm worried about my son. What happens if Wendy hurts him or if ...the mark failed" he whispered the lay part. I sighed.
"I'll contact Scarlet to get a progress report." I pulled out the lacrima that Scarlet gave him a couple of days before.
"Hello Scarlet you there?"
"Master oh hi Macao" Scarlets leaf covered hair in her face.
"Romeo stop messing with Wendy she was just having fun!"
Macao sighed to her his sons laugh in the background.   
"How are things going Scarlet?"
"Well everyone has already been marked ,even Romeo."
"So how is everything else going?"
"Everyone is learning quickly we should be home in... Tomorrow if everything goes as planned"
"That is very good my child!"
Romeos POV
I loved flying. I was flying with my mate when Scarlet called me over. I looked into the lacrima and saw my dad. My face brighten as I saw my dad face brighten he looked at my cloud like mark "are you ok?"he asked concerned.
"I'm fine!"
"That's great Romeo see you soon!"
The lacrima turned back to its original color.
Everyone yawned as the sun went down we had learned how to fly and we had our stuff all packed up. It had been a productive day. But the best part was getting in bed next to my sky maiden. I kissed her head as she gently caressed my new mark. I smiled at her she smiled back after that I fell asleep.
Time skip (10 hours)
I woke up to an empty bed. I shot up and walked into the bathroom without hesitation. I really have to pee!! He stopped as soon as the smell of Wendy filled his lungs. He looked across the bathroom and saw Wendy in the tub her beautiful blue wings tucked into her back.
"R-Romeo y-you're staring" she whispered. I quickly walked to the toilet which was closed off from the bathroom. Whew!
Time skip (everyone was ready to go!")
It was awesome flying through the sky with my sky maiden. Ahead was Scarlet she opened a portal and a white wall appeared in front on them.
"Guys when we get out prepare to stop!! We are gonna be inside the guild!"
We all nodded.
We landed on the floor of the guild. Everyone stared at our newly grown wings. It truly was a fly home! I looked at Wendy.
Who knew Romeo could be so sappy!!! It's cute!!! Oh well bye!!!
Signed~ your lovely camellia

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