Cavities and Dead Mothers

Start from the beginning

"Listen up everyone! To support Honey-Senpai's ristriction of seets we will ask you all to also not have any sweets in the club room." Tamaki announced and everyone nodded. I can't believe Mori would be so harsh with Honey.

"Mori are you sure Honey can't have any sweets at all? That seems little harsh." I say. He looks down at me and there's this look in his eyes and I know he blames himself for Honey getting a cavety. I shake my head. Later Honey straight up just asks me for candy.

"Honey you know I can't give you any candy." I say.

"Please Rose-chan?" Honey asks.

"Honey I'm not going to give you any candy, I'm sorry." I say and kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair a little. "Please don't be mad at me." I say with a smile and he smiles back.

"I could naver be mad with you Rose-chan!" He says and walks off.

Kyoya's POV

Rose smiles as Honey walks away. I fine their frindship strange. Honey is the main reason Rose joined the host club in the first place. He was her only friend and now he's like a little brother to her. Her phone rigns and she smiles at me and answers. Her smile dissapears and here eyes turn dark purple. I can't hear what she says, but she soon hangs up.

"Rose is everything okay?" I ask her and she looks up at me biting her lip and nods.

"Yeah. Everything is fine." She says. I kiss her forehead.

"Are you sure?" I ask her. She nods and hugs me.

"Yeah I'm sure Kyoya." She says sounding like she's on the verge of tears. Something is wrong, I know it. Why won't she tell me? 

"If you say so." I say and she nods and walks away to a couch, she seems to have a guest now. I sit down at my laptop, but can't get anything done because I'm worried about Rose. I keep looking over at her, just glaces of course and her eyes are still the dark purple color they turn when she's sad. Turns out Hikaru and Kaoru noticed that I keep glancing over at her.

"So do you not like that she has guests now?" I think, Hikaru asks, I'm never sure who is who.

"Or is it who she is with? Something bad about that guy? Or is his family in charge of a competitor's company of your family?" The twin I'm guessing is Kaoru asks.

"No." I say pushing my glasses up.

"Then what is it?" The twin I'm calling Hikaru for right now asks.

"None of your business." I say in a harsher tone then I meant to.

"Aw come on Kyoya, you can tell us." Koaru says.

"Yeah, we're completely trust worthy." Hikaru says. Trust worthy? Those two? At times, yes, but not with this. 

"Don't you have guests right now?" I ask them.

"Nope!" They say in together and I sigh.

"Then why don't you go bother Tamaki." I say.

"He has guests." Hikaru says.

"He shouldn't. His guests time ended 20 minutes ago." I say and look over and they're all still there. I can't believe it. I walk over and smile at them.

"I'm sorry, but the Host Club is closing now." I say and they nod, Tamaki says a few cheesy lines to them. They giggle, blush a little and leave. I've noticed Honey has been trying to get sweets from people and as the last of guests leave he walks over to where we would normally keep the sweets as I sit back down at my laptop. Everyone gathers around to watch as Honey walks out of the snack room and faints possibly? He's at least laying on the ground. Rose goes over to him and pokes his cheek

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