She felt bad for doing so but she couldn't completely accept it yet, that if it hadn't been for Stiles and his undying care for her, she'd not be home. It was him and only him who saved her, no backup. And she knows just like Stiles does that innocent lives were at stake and that they needed saving just like Lydia did, but whereas Scott chose to help the other ones first, Stiles leapt to save Lydia without a second thought and he was lucky that he wasn't too late. They're not mad at the rest of the pack, not per se, but Stiles doesn't blame Lydia for not wanting to reach out to them either.

They're still upset about the whole situation though, and so from then on Stiles tries to cheer Lydia up, take her out of the house even if only to take a walk around the neighborhood but Lydia always says no. She always says no and doesn't explain why she refuses it, but Stiles knows that she's afraid of what can happen out in the open, that it's too soon for her to venture like that. She could use the fresh hair, enjoy the sun a little bit and stretch her legs but Stiles understands. He's a little scared for her too.

Instead, they spend their days just clinging onto each other, sometimes watching TV, sometimes reading, sometimes sharing a comforting silence.

So time passes.

Another two weeks in and Lydia feels that maybe it's time for a change, to finally open up and do something to dull her ache a little bit, to finally allow herself to get better, to be better. Like they've been doing so many times lately, Stiles stopped by on a late Saturday morning and helped Natalie prepare lunch along with Lydia. After the meal, Natalie goes out for coffee with a friend and Stiles and Lydia curl up on the couch in silence.

Lydia clings to him like he's a part of her now, like he's an extension of her being. It's not that far from reality, really.

It comes out unexpected and unhurriedly, Lydia telling Stiles for the first time what it was like when she was in Eichen. He surprises her by listening attentively and in the end sharing with Lydia his experience as well, something that he's kept hidden in a dark corner of his mind for far too long. They cry silently as they listen to the other, and in between shed tears and half-sobs their mind clears, weighs a little less. Before they know it, they're dozing off to a peaceful, much needed nap.

Stiles wakes up first. He hears the front door and stirs, careful not to wake up Lydia as well. Natalie passes them by without a word, a soft smile directed at Stiles as she makes her way to the kitchen. He falls back asleep soon enough and Lydia is the one waking up next to find Stiles still sleeping beside her, far too close and never close enough like it always seems to be with the two of them.

She distances herself from his embrace just enough to look at him fondly, warmth filling her in a way it hasn't for quite a while. Momentarily dazzled, Lydia caresses his cheek and runs her hand through his hair, pushing it back and away from his forehead gently.

He sighs and his lips tilt up at the corners slightly, involuntarily, and Lydia smiles wide at that, literally gives in to a huge white-teethed grin because even if he's not awake, Stiles is so in tune with her that he responds to her ministrations even when out of consciousness. His free hand moves absently to pull her a little closer, like he just knows that something is missing next to him.

Lydia muffles a chuckle, covering her mouth with her hands to prevent any sound to come out and disturb him, but her grin is still there. She wishes it'd stay permanently. Aware that Stiles would love to see her like that, beaming and cheeks flushed at something as innocent as his touch, Lydia reminds herself to make sure that he will, once he wakes up. It's a special day, after all.

She nuzzles against his chest, patiently waiting until he stirs awake almost twenty minutes later. In the meantime she's just there, happy in his safe embrace as she has never been before, thinking to herself that she'd never consider in her life anyone's snore to be cute but she does. His soft snores are like music to her ears, strangely, and they make her skin break in goosebumps when Stiles breathes out against her cheek. His heartbeat feels comforting.

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