Lock Her Up

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"What the hell is this?" I hear my mum speak as we pull up to Cory's place. "That's better." I turn around and see Peter had just knocked her out....again. "Peter, seriously?" I ask. "Yep." They pick her up and carry her inside. "Who's this?" Mia questions as we walk through the door. "My mum." I look down at the floor and she starts laughing. "Your mum? What did you boys do, attempt to eat her?" She speeds up till she's nose to nose with Peter. "I want a taste." She kisses Peter and tries to create intimacy between them, but he throws her half way down the corridor and she slides along the floor. "Ouch?" She says in a bitchy tone. "No Mia, we didn't eat her, she tried to kill us." Cory says. "So what do we do with her now?" I butt in. "Take her to the place of ours we usually keep people who attempts to murder us. We can make her forget about knowing us and ask her some questions. But first we need to drain the snowhawk out of her system." Peter explains. "Will that hurt her?" I question. "No, she will be fine. The snowhawk will eventually pass through her system." The guys carry her through the apartment and to a room with a small door right at the back of the place. They creek the metal door open and throw her on a dirty old blanket and she wakes up. "Idiots." She mumbles under her breath. Mia races down right to her eye level. "Look honey, we can kill you very easily, do you want that?" "Shut up." She mumbles out of breath. Mia runs off and comes back in seconds holding a knife toward my mothers neck. I scream a high pitched sound, "Mia STOP!  You little bitch!" I scream. She gets up throws the knife, we look over to see its been stabbed into the wall. She twists Peters neck and runs off. We hear the front door slam shut. I stand still unable to move from shock. Peters dead. Cory walks over to me and embraces me into he's arms. "He's not dead, he will heal." A large weight is lifted off my chest. "Why did she do this?" I ask him. "No idea. She gets mad." I nod and focus my attention to my mother. "Mum, are you okay?" I walk over to her shaking and gently push Cory away. "You lied to me." I tell her in a steady, unemotional tone. "Get rid of her memory, please Cory." I turn around and walk out, Peter grabs my hand to comfort me and comes out with me. "Just do it." I hear my mum say to Cory. "Drain me of the snowhawk and do it." A tear slowly rolls down my face and I hear Cory say yes. My mum, although it was secret it was a secret that made up her. Cory walks out and I hear the door close, leaving my mum in there. 

"Is it done?"  I take a deep breath, stop crying. I'm not weak! I keep repeating to myself. "Yes." I hear Cory say. He gives Peter a nod and Peter walks off. Cory puts he's arms around my waist and pulls me in for a hug. I feel safe and I know I shouldn't. He can kill me. I choose to change the subject. "So who's doing all the killing?" I ask neutrally. "We are going out later to see, we will find out and Peter and I will keep you safe." I nod and check my phone. "It's 8:34pm, go now? I'll drive home, I'll ask Mary to stay the night. When does my mum come home?" I let myself out and call Mary from the driveway. It goes straight to voicemail. I turn on the car and go straight home. I can't be bothered listening to the radio, it's just silent. 

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