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As usual the alarm clock sound is the worse thing to hear when I wake up, it's the sound that's telling me I can't sleep anymore and I have to go to school. I throw the blankets off me and start to get ready. Straight after I'm done, the conversation from yesterday crosses my mind, about the vampire, or the vampires. Maybe I should let it in. I believe but I don't want to. I've seen things since I moved here and news reports. Cory. The way he uses an emotionless voice, the way he talks, how he's eyes change and how he's so fast! He wasn't phased when the woman died behind Peach Place! It was when we were there! 5 people died where I saw Cory in the woods. I don't want to believe Cory is what my mind is making me think he is. It is ridiculous. My jaw drops as I realise it is not the craziest idea I have come up with.  

I am a believer and I don't know what to do. I'm not scared of him, Cory and I'm not scared that they exist. Do I confront him? Do I tell someone? My mum or someone else. I'll tell Mary.

When I get to school I run straight to Mary, sitting against a tree with her headphones in as usual. "I believe." She pulls out her headphones. "What?" She didn't hear me. "I believe." I tell her. Sounding out every letter of those words, saying it slowly to reassure myself I am sure of my words. "I knew you did." She tells me. "How?" I ask. "The way you looked at those pictures, the way you talked to me when you told me you didn't want to know, and I bet you know who one of them is." She knows who they are or who it, he, she is. "Do you know something?" She nods. "I'll come over after school." I nod and walk off.

"What's on your shirt?" I ask, pointing to the dark spot on Cory's shirt. "Pie." He rubs it off  with his thumb and licks it off. "Cory?" I ask him. "Why is this happening again?" He stares at me and does not say a word. NATASHA! NATASHA! "What is that sound?" I ask him. 

I jolt awake and realise I have fallen asleep in the middle of English class, and that sound. My teacher calling my name. "Sorry." I murmur. Blood. The stain on Cory's shirt. It would have been blood. It has to be. Well, if what I think might be true it is. I look at him on the corner of my eye and see him nodding in my direction. He mimes something and I try to read he's lips. Blood. He heard my thoughts, my dream.

"Actually, I planted that dream in your head." He tells me as he walks up to my locker. "I'm not scared of you." I tell him plainly as I put my books away and straighten my posture. "I don't care if you know what I am, if you don't tell anyone about this I'll tell you more." I nod and walk away from him. "Okay." 

I walk over to Mary, sitting by that same tree in the same spot. Instead of music she has a textbook and a highlighter. "What's the deal with this tree?" She looks up at me as I take a seat next to her. "It's just my spot." She looks back at her book and I shut it. "Heyyy! What was that for?" She asks in a whiny childish voice. "Cory is a vampire, but you already knew that." I tell her. "I know a lot Tash. Like the fact that vampires aren't your stupid Dracula movie. They're quick reflexes, speed, being able to hear from far distances, mind compulsion and mind control,  vampires burn in the sun." She continues explaining but I cut her off. "Why doesn't Cory?" I ask. "Vampires have a way to be able to walk in the day, Cory has a chain, around he's wrist. You can't pick what you want it to be, it just chooses you. It's generally jewelry with a strong bond to you. When you turn not all vampires have something, that's why they are only night walkers." She tells me all of this like it's easy to explain. Like it's nothing. "You told me this yesterday!" I cut her off. "What are you talking about, I never saw you yesterday." She looks confused. I don't know what has gotten into her but I let it slide and let her explain more, this might be a part of a bigger picture. This whole day has just gone so fast. So easy. They tell me like it's absolutely nothing to them. Cory told me things too, he told me he was a vampire while I was at my locker. You don't just tell someone your a blood sucking monster. Well, not monster...I mean. I don't know. Is there anyone else? Why do I have so many questions?

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