That's Ridiculous

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Dear Diary,
Vampires aren't real. Vampires aren't real. They can't be! If what Mary is saying is true, everything we ever read in fairytales is real! It isn't real. It can't be real! What is it now, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons are real! Oooohhh, hahaha that can't be true! It just isn't. Look I'm not going to believe this! I'm not a believer I wont be. Because it's too cool to be true.

When I pull up at school I see Mary standing in the parking lot listening to music on her own, leaning against the tree trunk of a tree that looks as old as the universe. I get out of my car and walk up to her. "So did you think about what I said yesterday?" She asks me as I walk up to her. "I don't know, it's ridiculous Mary." It's true, I really don't know what to believe. "Your not letting yourself believe me Natasha, just let me show you something." I nod and we walk to the library. She directs me to the last isle of books in the back left corner. The library is a triple story monstrosity. We sit down on the floor. "Scoot over to the left." She asks directing her hand. I do. She looks around and there's no one. She lifts up the floorboard where I was sitting and she takes out a very large paper bag with what looks like a massive pile of papers inside it, organised perfectly. Coloured tabs and all.

"What's all this?" I ask her as she lays it all out in front of her. "Evidence my friend, evidence." She says seriously. I want to laugh but I know she isn't joking. She picks up one of the newspapers and flattens out the creases. The image of the wounds on the front page are quite graphic. She pulls out a Manila folder, its thick. Full of documents. "Did you steal those?" I ask confusingly. "Yep, but shh don't tell anyone, I made copies so the police won't know they've been gone." I giggle a little and pick up a folder states CONFIDENTIAL in a red stamp clearly written in bold on the front. I don't bother to open it. "Look." Mary grabs my attention. "What do vampires do?" I laugh and don't bother to answer. "Natasha answer me." She says sternly. I think for a second. "Umm, they suck your blood?" I don't believe my words, mainly because I'm joking. "Yes, now what do all these documents have in common." She took my words seriously. I look at the ones she hands me stating animal attack on the top of each piece of paper. She lays many other headlines and reports in front of me, they all have one word in common. "Exsanguinate." I whisper. "Another word for?" She asks me. "Drained of blood." I say. I saw the word once in my mums draws when I was 14, looking for lipstick. I was curious so of course I looked up the definition. "The police know. They cover it up." She explains. "Here." She hands me a piece of paper with handwriting on it and coffee spills. 'Why are they back? We warned them.' I start to question everything I've ever believed. "Is this real Mary?" The police have clearly notified each other guilty as 'they'. People? "Look, if the vampires tear up their victims enough the police can call it an animal attack, and the public believe them. There's more about this town than you think you know Natasha and you seem to keep coming back for more, otherwise you wouldn't be here. You would have run away from all this" Just as she finishes her sentence the bell goes and we pack up and walk to class. Is she right? Do I actually feel that curious?
While I'm walking I see Cory in the distance. My heart rate automatically exhilarates into my throat but I try to keep my cool. I decide to distract myself. "So how about this whole supernatural thing. How do you know who the vampires are?" I question her. "Why? Do you suspect someone?" She says sharply, trying to sound like she is hiding something from me. "No Mary just tell me!" I demand. "Okay, okay. It's known that from when a vampire turns, they stop ageing. They have extremely fast reflexes and can use a form of mind control most of know as the word 'compulsion'." She explains. Is she some sort of mythological genius, or real truth genius? I don't know anymore. I choose not to respond to her. I need to give myself time to take in everything that has just been said. But I do speak up. "Tell me more. After school. We can talk in my car." She nods and walks off.

The rest of the day drags as I am eager to hear what Mary has to say and what I need to hear. Eventually it ends. Finally, it ends. 

When I get to my car Mary is already leaning against the passenger seat door, on her phone. Her black, square shaped frames about to fall off her face from looking down. She changed her hairstyle. Her long black dead straight hair is now in a loose pony tail at the bottom of her neck, away from her face. She makes eye contact with me and smiles. "Ready?" She yells out. I unlock my car and she hops right in. 

"So where are we going to go?" I ask her as we exit the school car park. "Just stay at school." She says. I park the car again.

"So look, vampires do not agree with daylight, the only way they can walk around during the day is to have a form of wearable jewelry that has a tie to your human life. It is like a protective form to their past that protects them from the sun. Without it they will burn and die. The only way to kill a vampire is with a wooden stake to the heart. Yes that part is the same as the books. Or to detach their heart from their body. Vampires have inhuman strength and as I said earlier their agility is immaculate and they have the ability to move faster than the human eye can track, it would even look like a dissapearing act. Vampires can heal quickly." She explains this like it's nothing. "I don't know what to say." Though I do. A person comes to my mind. Cory. I do not know why or how but he does. "So what happens if they do not drink human blood?" I question. "They desiccate and stiffen, the slightest amount of blood will turn them back from what seems like stone. When a vampire doesn't drink, it weakens them." All I can do is nod. 

"Okay, seeya!" I yell out with a smile on my face as I drop Mary off at home. It's late. 9:00pm. We lost track of time. I head home.

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