"Finally, I'm tired of smelling Maddox," Anderson grumbled, picking Neil up and plopping him down on the couch. "I need to pee." He said, walking past her.

She realized what he said and staring at the ceiling in confusion "Smelling him?"

Then her phone rang.

In the bathroom, Anderson was staring at himself in the mirror. He looked at his rumpled red t-shirt, distressed light blue jeans, black Jordan's, disheveled black hair and dark circles under his eyes. He looked a mess, but he realized he hadn't felt more like himself in years. He touched his face looking deep into his eyes, multiple colors and all, and dared himself to like them. With bated breath, he watched as he seemed to catch the dim bathroom light and reflect an array of colors.

And he smiled.

A cry from the living room had him racing out of the bathroom to the living so fast he became a blur. Something animalistic had awoken in him that he hadn't felt in a while and he felt a warm presence at the front of his mind, prepared to defend what he considered as his family out there from anything in the world.

He skidded to a stop in front of a pacing Nova who was arguing with someone on the phone.

"I don't understand, why can't you tell me anything?" She screamed so loud that his newly acquired hearing rung. Neil, hearing her distress began to cry while Nova herself had tears running down her face. He ran to Neil and began to soothe him when one sentence stopped him in his tracks.

"Can you at least tell me if he's alive?"

Heard an abrupt "yes" from the phone and then Nova was in motion. She had thrown her phone in her purse and began to frantically put on her shoes.

"What's going on, where are we going?" He asked as he followed her out the door with Neil.

"Nigel crashed the car and is in the hospital and all they want to tell me is that his reason was unknown and his injuries are 'under advisement'. They didn't even want to say whether or not he's alive or dead."

He grew quiet as he helped her get in the car and told her that he would drive. This was not good, Nigel had been attacked by a Werewolf, and he probably wouldn't last the night.


Doctor Benzer watched as a brown-skinned couple ran into the hospital frantically, the woman carrying a child, and was shocked to recognize his future Alpha. Who made a straight line towards him. He inclined his head in respect to his leader, as he watched him lead the woman to him by the hand.

"Mr. Grayson, lovely to see you." He said, somberly.

"Doctor Benzer take us to see, Nigel Akecheta." Anderson said, cutting right to the point.

"Of course sir, right away." He said, walking swiftly towards a different elevator than what everyone else was taking. 

Nova watched he swiped a clearance card that opened the doors and then swiped another card to close them. He then put his hand on a scanner that made the elevator begin to move. She looked for the floor but realized the elevator had no buttons, just the slot for the card and a hand.

"What's going on Doctor Benzer?" She asked, quietly. He ignored her.

They stopped their ascent and he swiped his card again to open the doors.

"Right this way." Doctor Benzer said, leading them down a hallway to a room that had a huge huge glass window to look into. She almost collapsed when she looked in.

Her older brother, her rock, her protector, lay on a hospital bed with a dozen wires attached to him and various machines whirring and beeping at different rhythmic paces. His chest barely rose as he seemed to struggle to breathe. He had bandages all over the parts of his body that she could see down to even his hands. One particularly huge gauze pad was on his neck, tapped down tightly with a red stain that began to grow it seemed by the second. His skin had a sickly green tint to it, almost as if he was poisoned.

"What happened?" Anderson asked, as he took Neil from Nova's arms holding him in the right, while he supported Nova with the left.

"Mr. Akecheta seems to have been attacked. His car was run off the road by what we assume was a rather large animal. He crashed into a tree where he was later attacked and dragged out of the vehicle. He sustained multiple bite wounds to his neck, legs, arms, and torso." Doctor Benzer said, giving him a pointed look.

"Is he going to be okay?" Nova said through her tears.

Instead of answering Doctor Benzer looked from Nova to his Alpha and decided it was best to tell his Alpha alone.

"Would you like to go in and see him?" He asked her, barely receiving a nod she ran into the room directly to his side and cried onto her brother's hand.

"Sir, Mr. Akecheta was in fact bitten by a wolf, and you know as well as I do that a wolf bite has a 0.07% survival rate."



Lol sike nah.

Who thinks they know who did it?

As always God loves ya'll bye!

Freedom Series: Chasing ButterfliesWhere stories live. Discover now