14- [Dex] Blood Red

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A/N: Hey there everyone. fCee is back for another update on your winged people Dex and Dio. Today we get another chapter from Dex. I hope you like this update. I would appreciate your comments very much. ¡Diviértete! Hasta Luego! ~fCee

14- [Dex] Blood Red

"Soldier, explain yourself!" Fer asked me as if he has some kind of high authority. He had just entered the royal guards last year, so unless he was promoted in that short period of time, he shouldn't have much authority over anyone.

But then, I remembered that he had ratted on me not attending the harvest. So maybe that got him some favor.

My palm curled into a fist hearing his voice and remembering how he tricked me. I trusted him with my life, with my brother's life, but he used that trust to get what he wanted. He used Dio and me so he could get the favor of the Blackwings.

His footsteps moved closer to me.

I wanted to punch him in the face, to break his nose and even his neck. But I know I wouldn't have a chance against him. I barely even have a chance defeating my brother Dio in any type of combat, how much more Fer who's been training as a guard for a year.


"I..." I relaxed my palm and my breathing. I must not be discovered. They will surely bring me back in that room where they chained me or maybe even worst.

"I... I was told to check the dungeon for the prisoner," I answered.

"And that is on whose authority?" He asked walking closer to me.

My heart rate paced as I grabbed information in my head. His footsteps came closer and closer making me panic. I clenched my palm. If anything else fails, I would at least land a hit on his face before he figured out it was me.

"The... Kiev, I mean General Kiev of the Blackwings," I answered remembering the name of the general. He didn't directly tell me his name but I heard one of the soldiers call him that.

"The general asked you?"

"Yes, the general," I answered more confident this time. "The general asked me to check on the Whitewing prisoner."

"Okay then," Fer said walking away. "Make sure to come in the town square after whatever the general asked you to do. We have an emergency," he said and then moved away.

I released a deep breath and relaxed my body. After a few seconds of standing at its entrance I dashed into the dungeon.

"I'll save you brother."

The round of metals clanging echoed as I moved down the solid steps of the dark hall. My shoulder already started aching at the weight of the breastplate of the armor. I would have flown down but the walls were too crowded to accommodate my wings.

When I finally arrived at the holding are for prisoners, something seemed different to me. I had only sneaked in this place ones and that time the place had been full of echoes. The cries of prisoners, the scratching on the walls and theirs pleads for mercy, I couldn't' hear them anymore.

I surely didn't miss such disturbing sound but their absence made me feel weary. Something seemed wrong.

And I realized there were no guards either.

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