4- [Dio] Choices Made

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A/N: Hey guys, so basically at first this story was supposed to be centered on Dex alone. But then, when Dio (his brother) came in my mind, I think his (Dio) story will also be interesting. So this story will be of the both of them. I hope you guys don't mind. ~fCee

4- [Dio] Choices Made

"I'm Dio Forty," I informed the guard as they entered our house, the fortieth house in this city of Westport, the capital city of Westral, Trinity Archipelago. There were two of them and one checked everywhere not finding anybody else in the house.

Mother and father might have already been in the square leaving only me and my hardheaded brother Dex Forty.

"Where is Dex," Fer, the other guard, asked me in a whisper pointing a body scanner at me to determine that I was still qualified for the harvest.

But he already knew I am still qualified. He knew me very well.

"No one else is here," the other guard, Fer's partner who searched the house told him before leaving. We should leave. We have more grounds to cover.

"Just a minute," Fer who was with me answered and the other guard went outside firsts slamming the door.

"Dex escaped again?" He smiled at me moving towards my body as he removed his helmet. "Your brother is such a spoiled kid don't you think?"

"Yeah," I answered him rolling my eyes. "And that worries me."

"Why?" He moved towards me putting his hand on my hips. He pulled me closer.

"I'm worried that he's not going to get harvested in time because he's not attending the harvest," I told him trying to pull away but he only pulled me closer to him.

"Wait... You're still thinking of leaving with the Blackwings?" He frowned. I only avoided his gaze not answering his question.

"What about me Dio?" He asked touching my chin with his fingers. He turned my head to face him. He looked me in the eyes and I know he's hurt.

I had hurt him.

"What? You were just playing with me all these years?" He asked. "Tell me I'm wrong, Dio. Tell me you weren't really hoping to get harvested this year. Tell me." He pleaded.

But I didn't answer. I couldn't. I would be lying.

And I know saying the truth would only hurt him. I don't want to hurt him, not if I was about to leave.

I didn't want our last meeting to be him hating me. Last night had been great and I had wished it was the last time we would ever met before the harvest. But he just had to be the guard to check our house. The world is indeed cruel.

"I guess was wrong!" He sighed. "You always wanted to leave after all."

"You knew I always wanted to leave this place," I answered him softly. I never really told him I changed my mind

"This isn't a safe place anymore, not with the Red Empire near our territory," I reasoned.

"But what about me?" He reasoned. "What about us?"

"There was never an us, Fer." I answered.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "There was never an us, Dio? Really, there was never an us?" He repeated in disbelief.

I only stayed silent. Saying anymore could lead to more argument. I don't want it to get to that. I know Fer, he doesn't back out of any argument. He think he's always right.

"Then what were we doing all these years?" He let go of me and stepped backwards. "Were... were you just playing with me?"

"N... no!" I answered.

I wasn't playing with Fer. Hell, I liked him and might have even loved him. But I refused to be in this place if a war started. And I will make sure my brother and my family isn't in this place either.

"Then what are we?" He asked accusingly. "What am I to you?"

"We were... we're just friends," I thought and then answered. "We we're just friends."

"Right," he spat. "Friends! Just friends"

"You always knew I wanted to leave. I always told you that." I answered him trying to stop the bitterness that was on my eyes.

"We'll I'm sorry for thinking that you changed your mind," he answered turning away. "I'm sorry for thinking that after what we did, the cuddling... and all those other things, that you loved me."

"Fer..." I tried to come near him but he moved away.

"Hell, Dio, the only thing that we haven't done yet is fuck, me thrusting it inside you." He spat. "I've already tasted every part of your body and you let me, willingly... eagerly if I may add. And now you're telling me you didn't have any feeling for me."

I felt guilty as he said those things. I did let him do all of those and more, and even so I enjoyed it. I even initiated the physicality of it all some times.

"What were you thinking when we were doing it then. The sucking... the... you used me." He yelled at me. "I felt like a fucking whore. What was I then, your bed warmer?"

"Fer... it's not like that," I told him, clouds started to form in my line of vision.

"It is like that," he said before he went to the door. "You're nothing but a user. You used me."


"Good bye Dio," he told me as he opened the door that his partner closed after leaving the house first. "I hope you get picked today, and even if you don't... stay away from me."

I only stood there, tears falling from my eyes as the one person that had been with me all these years walked out of the fortieth house of Westport the capital city of Westral, Trinity Archipelago.

"Fer..." I whispered his name. I loved you, but maybe it wasn't enough for me to change my mind.

A/N: I hope you guys look forward for the next chapter. Don't forget to vote and Comment to show the love. ~fCee

Winged but Flightless [BoyxBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora