5- [Dio] Brother's Search

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A/N: Before we go back to Dex, let me continue the story of his brother Dio... This is careless typing, draft and full of errors. Still, I hope you all like it. ~fCee

5- [Dio] Brother's Search

I'm Dio Forty.

Instead of going towards the town square where I was supposed to go for the harvest, I turned away and proceeded to a dark alleyway where I knew my brother Dex forty could have gone through.

I need to find Dex and I will find him.

He is going to be harvested whether he like it or not, or I would die trying to get him out of this forsaken country. Dex is my little brother, as much as I love him as I loved our long lost brother Dust... I would rather have him separated from me but safe. His safety is my priority.

I passed a small eatery and saw a couple of Blackwings eating with few of the local girls flirting with them. I even saw one girl holding a Blacking soldier's hand, pulling the soldier up a stair and probably into one of their private rooms. Two other girls were sitting on the laps of Blackwings soldiers, while the soldiers hand travelled around their bodies.

Everyone was desperate to get their attention, to get their affection, but the Blackwings weren't here for that. And Dex knew that, I also knew it.

But that is a small price to pay for safety.

Echoes of laugh and merry shouting could be heard everywhere, but the grim reality is that none of the girls would be harvested. Only the boys in their prime age would be taken, for only they would ensure a strong male Blackwing offspring.

Unlike our predecessor, the one called the Homo sapiens which suffered extinction due their nuclear warfare, we Homo Volaticus, or winged man could reproduce without gender bias.

There were of course a few differences in the offspring which regards to the pairing of the genetic source. That is the reason why most men wanted another man. This is for the reason that a child born from the same male parent usually had strong physical characteristics.

I turned away from the inn and continued walking my path careful not to get noticed by the central guards roaming and the Blackwings around. I couldn't take the risk of being brought to the town square without finding my brother Dex first.

After passing a few mostly damp and stinky canals and stepping into puddles that smelt of rotten food and urine, I finally came to the end of town.

I had followed Dex more than once in his adventures outside town, and found him walking these paths. I already found most of his hiding spot but he wasn't so stupid as to hide in one of them. Still, I know I will find him.

I walked passed a small forest and came to the meadow that I needed to cross before the real search begins at the next forest.

"I'm going to find you stupid brother," I whispered as I let my wings free from the slit behind my back. I rotated my shoulders lightly and flapping my wings a few times before stretching my arms.

The wind was particularly friend today, and the sun warm. It felt like luck was smiling at me and I felt confident I could get all my wishes this day.

I flapped my wings once, twice, thrice and then my feet started to lift from the ground. The grasses beneath my feet moved towards the direction where my wings flapped the wind.

I started to move.

And suddenly, my face hit the ground as something heavy pinned me down. I felt restraints on my back restraining my wings from moving and my arms and feet from struggling.

"This is clearly a violation of the treaty with the Black Legion," I heard a voice came from behind me before I was pulled forcefully up into a kneeling position.

There were two Blackwings holding me, one for each of my hand. While another one towered in front of me, blocking the rays of the sun, casting dark shadows on my face.

"I clearly admire your guts to escape the harvest, but I find it terribly stupid also," he told me holding my chin up to meet his eyes.

"Do you know the punishment for this boldness," he asked staring at my eyes with his dark pupils. "A hundred lashes if not death," he uttered and I couldn't help but feel a lump on my throat.

Am I really gonna die?

"No... I wasn't escaping," I answered but I couldn't see his reaction.

"It's the truth," I said and of course it was. "I... I really wanted to get harvested," I added which of course was true, after I make sure that my brother was also going to be taken way from here.

"It doesn't seem like it," he told me letting go of my face. "And you know lying to an official of the Black Legion also deserves another group of punishment.

"Please, I'm not lying," I insisted trying to argue my case.

"Then tell me. What is it that you are doing in this far side of the town away from the harvest if you so wanted to get harvested?" He challenged. "Convince me."

"I... I was just..." But I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell them about Dex trying to escape or they'll search for him and he'll most likely get punished and killed. "I was just..."

"Just what?" He asked. "Can't get your tongue?"

"Please," I conceded. "I will attend the harvest," I said instead trying to avoid the discussion of my reason being here.

"I know you will," the Blackwing said as he bowed down near my face. I felt like he sniffed the air near my neck before he let go.

"Escort him to the town square while I lead the search for our prize," the Blackwing ordered the two who were holding both my arms. He then flapped his wing once and some grasses were rooted away from the ground.

I blinked only once and he's already a small specter in the sky.

That's why we white wings felt the need for the treaty. The Blackwings have the strength and the military power that can suppress all armies in the world. And we need their umbrella of protection to protect us from the invading Red Empire even if our leaders don't confirm the threat of war.

I know we're at war. And I'm not staying in this forsaken country to witness it.

Call me a traitor, but I'd rather be alive than become a dead nationalistic hero.

A/N: fCee here reminding everyone to vote, comment and check my other stories

TURN THE LIGHTS OFF (mafia-action),

MATED SOULS (werewolf-fantasy), and

VOUJHAN'S LITTLE SECRET (romance-teen)...

all of which COMPLETED and BoyXBoy.

Also check-out my EROTIC SHORTS (boyxboy) BOYSON FIRE and (straight) DIARY OF EROS. It was fun entertaining you guys... untilnext time. ~fCee 

Winged but Flightless [BoyxBoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora