Chapter Seven.

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November 15, 2015

I heard a knock on my door and I groaned. I heard the door open while I kept my eyes close.


My mom said as she stood, I'm assuming in my doorway.


I answered with my eyes still closed, I want to sleep.

"Kharter, wake up baby girl."

"For what?"

"Church. You not gonna sit in my house all day on Sunday. So, get on up, breakfast downstairs."

She closed my door and walked back downstairs. I slowly rose out of my bed and rubbed my eyes. I went downstairs and sat at the table with Kenny and Daddy. Everyone was dressed except me.

"Was I the only one that didn't know about church?"

I chuckled as I sat down and started to eating breakfast.

"I don't know about what they do in New York, but we wake up early around here," my mom said as she gave me a cup of juice.

"I usually work on Sundays," I said before I took a sip of my orange juice.

"Dang sis, they work you like that?"

My brother said when he took a bite of his eggs.

"Yeah, just tryna get my bills paid and stuff," I took a bite of my bacon.

We continued to eat in silence and I went upstairs to get ready. After taking a hot shower, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put my lotion and deodorant on, then put on my bra and underwear. I went into my room and looked through my luggage. I finally decided on a green dress and put my gold heels. After that I finished putting my clothes, I walked back into the bathroom. I applied some light makeup and put on my gold earrings, then brushed my hair out. After I felt satisfied with my look, I grabbed my purse and my phone. I walked downstairs and my family looked back at me.


"Took you long enough," my brother mumbled as we walked out the front door.

"Boy, beauty takes time," I said as we got in the car.

"Hmm, you sure about that?"

I playfully hit his shoulder and he laughed at me. Daddy started the car and we were on our way to church.


Kyla brushed her teeth while I put her long, straight hair in pigtails. She spit the toothpaste and looked in the mirror.

"You got a handsome Daddy," I smirked as we looked in the mirror.

"Noo, my daddy got a pretty daughter," she smiled.

I sucked my teeth and we just laughed.

"Come on, let's go to church," I said as she finished washing her face. I walked to Dominique's and I's bedroom. Nique was knocked out, like we don't have church in a couple of minutes.



"Why are you still asleep?"

"Because I'm tired."

"Nique, today's counseling with Reverend Baxter."

"We can plan another time."

"Nique, come on and get out of bed."

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