Ian's realisation.

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After shooting their episode of lunchtime (rather breakfast time), Anthony and Ian needed to start shooting their new episode of every blank ever.

Noah, Olivia, and Keith came over. Others from the shooting crew also came over. They prepared the equipment and began to shoot.

Unfortunately they couldn't complete the video as there was a major loophole in their idea. It was scratched off. They were all tired.

"Ant, want to call it a day off?"

Everyone but Anthony said yes. The crew left for home.

"Lemme just edit this video and update information about our movie"

"Okay Ant, then tell me what do want to do"

"Fine, you ass"

"Yeah right, motherf*cker"

Ian was tired. He decided to have a bath, thinking that would soothe him. He had thoughts about the new video lingering in his head. Worried, Ian took his towel and walked towards the bathroom.

He looked into the mirror and is copper sulfate blue eyes swole up to orbs. Something was nagging him. He didn't know what he felt like. He thought about how he had supressed this uneasy feeling throughout the last week due to how busy he was.

He was sad. He thought Anthony, his bestfriend had drifted apart. (Though that wasn't true)

Apprently Ian saw himself as inferior to Anthony. Things were not like before he said to himself. This was due to the extremely mean unthoughtful YouTube comments he saw, hating on him and showing immense love to Anthony.

He thought Anthony hated him now. He had a bad feeling that Anthony would tell him to discontinue Smosh soon. All of this was because of the way Anthony spoke to him. Like it didn't matter what Ant usually said to Ian, however bad it was, but since the past week, he was totally affected.

He didn't know what was the reason for all of this going on in his head.

Ian said to himself, "This my dear Ian, is what I call Ian's realisation"

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