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I saw my parents. They smiled at me sweetly but I saw in there eyes they were drunker then ever ready to take me home and beat me half to death.

"Oh Alyssa we're so glad your safe. Give mommy a hug." My mom said. She started to walk closer to me with open arms. This was all some big act she played in public.

I pushed her back not wanting a hug from that evil bitch. She looked at me confused then asked "Now honey what was that for? We're here to take you home."

"No I'm not going home with you! I'm staying at a good house that doesn't have parents that beat me! How come you never worried about Johnny when he stayed in an empty lot?!"

Next thing I knew the principal was stepping in between my mother and I.

"Excuse me miss but by state law she dose not have to go home with you."

I gave her a smile then went to leave. I was about to walk out the door when the principal said "Excuse me Alyssa but the school will need to know where you're staying."

"I'm not telling anyone till they leave." I said pointing to my parents.

I watched my mother storm out the door to the car she always drove, but my father just stood there.

"Go home dad your drunk." I said to him.

"Don't you tell me what to do!" He screamed at me. He then stormed out the door and sat in the passenger seat of the car. I watched them drive away then went to face the principal.

"I'm staying with the Curtis'." I told him.

He nodded then asked "Do you mind if I call someone up to confirm it?"

"No not at all. I'm staying with Ponyboy and he should be in English right now." I replied.

He turned away and walked over to a microphone on the desk pushed down a button and said "Ponyboy Curtis please report to the main office." He then let go of the button and turned to face me. "Please sit down." He said while pointing to the row of chairs behind me.

I sat down and waited for Ponyboy. A few minutes later Ponyboy showed up and he looked worried. His hands were shaking like the day Darry needed to talk to us.

"Ponyboy your not in trouble I just need to talk to you." The principal reassured him which made his hands slow down but they were still slightly twitching.

The principal lead him to his office and closed the door. They were in there for a couple minutes then came back out.

"Thank you for telling the truth Alyssa. You may both go back to class." The principal said. Ponyboy and I walked out the door and started to walk down the hallway when we turned the corner we both stopped.

"What happened?" He asked. I saw in his eyes he was truly concerned.

"My mom and dad showed up and they tried to take me home." I said close to tears. I remembered what I said about Johnny and how they didn't give a shit about him.

I pounded my fist on the wall and started to actually cry. Ponyboy pulled me into a hug and said "What's wrong?"

"They never gave a shit about him!" I screamed into his chest.

He pulled back from the hug and shrunk down to my height. "About Johnny?" He asked. He looked like he was gonna cry as well.

I just nodded and we both stood in the hall there in silence close to tears.

"You know when I first saw you on the park bench crying I thought you were Johnny. Then I realised it wasn't and I almost wanted to go cry with you." He admitted to me.

I smiled and we both whipped the tears from each other's eyes. Then my wrist started to hurt. I didn't tell him though I didn't want him to worry more. So we walked back to class and I debated wether to go to the nurse or not.

The Younger CadeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu