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"What did we just tell you?" Darry asked. He seemed really angry and I was a little afraid.

"Um...... not to do that." I said.

"Thats right. So why'd ya do it?" Soda asked. What was scary was that he seamed as mad as Darry. I was so scared to answer them. I started to think I should run out the door.

"Because of what he said earlier." Ponyboy said.

"Well what did he say?"

"She got a little mad and he asked if she was on her period." Ponyboy said as I started to walk closer to the door.

Darry then took a deep breath in and let it out. "Okay Alyssa I understand why you got mad but just don't kick a guy there." He said.

I nodded and said "Okay Darry I promise." He then walked out the kitchen to make dinner. I guess Two-Bit wasn't in as much pain because he walked over to the small TV and turned it on.

Over course Mickey Mouse was on. Ponyboy then sat down next to me. I could tell he was still pretty tense. "Why are you so tense?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

That just made it worse. Finally he spoke up and said "No reason just that I keep thinking about Darry and Soda told me."

"Oh yeah me too." I admitted and grabbed his hand. I guess that was all I was gonna get to do for awile. No more snuggling, laying my head on his shoulder, nothing!

"Dinner!" Darry yelled from the kitchen. We all stood up and walked out to the table.

I sat across from Ponyboy and we started to eat. At one point during the meal we started playing footsies.

I guess we didn't do a very good job of hiding it because out of no where Darry said "Stop playing footsies under my table."

Of course we listened. After dinner we sat down on the couch. He actually let me put my head on his shoulder. I mean I felt him tense up the tiniest bit but not much.

"So um will you he fine by tonight?" I whispered in his ear. I saw him turn white as a sheet. "Because you know we share a room." I added on. He started to calm down then.

"Well I think so." He said. I noticed he was staring blankly at the TV. Never once in the conversation had he looked at me. That didn't matter. I was still in Pony's clothes and wanted to go change so I got up and went to the bedroom.

When I opened the door I saw Soda and Steve. I'm not finished. I saw Soda and Steve making out. I cleared my throat and they both quickly pulled apart.

"Alyssa it's not what you think." Soda said as I closed the door behind me.

"Your gay I get it." I said. They both stared at me in shock.

"How do you even know anything about gay people?" Steve asked.

"Well Johnny was. He has a boyfriend once and he told me about him. What was his name? It started with a D." I said.

"Dallas?" Soda asked.

"Yeah," I said "that was the name." I then realised why Dallas did what he did the night Johnny died. There was a deep silence between the three of us as we thought about Johnny and Dallas.

"Okay well lock the door next time you decide to make out." I said breaking the silence. They both nodded, and I went over to my bag and grabbed my clothes.

I walked into the bathroom and got changed into a long sleeve blue shirt, that was a little small but not to small, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans.

When I walked out to the living room, and sat next to Ponyboy he actually looked at me. "You look better in my clothes." He said.

"Or did I just look cute in your clothes cus they were big on me?"

"Okay fine that one. You look great." He said smiling. He kissed my cheek, and put his arm around my shoulder. We sat there and watched Mickey Mouse in silence and peace.

The Younger CadeWhere stories live. Discover now