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The next morning I woke but not by the sun shining down on my face like it had yesterday. I heard someone standing in the door way going "Oh La La! Now what do we have here?"  I right away knew it was Two-Bit. I also knew Ponyboy was also awake he was just fake sleeping like me.

I suddenly got really cold and nuzzled my head into his chest, and felt his chin rest on the top of it. I eventually heard Two-Bit walk away so I opened my eyes. 

"You awake?" Ponyboy whispered in my ear.
"Yeah." I whispered back but neither of us got up we just went back to snuggling. Eventually I fell back asleep. I had no nightmares but I did have a dream.

I dreamt of the day Ponyboy and I met. Until I felt someone shaking me and trying to wake me up. I opened my eyes and of course I was still snuggled in Ponyboy's arms.

"Hey you wanna come get some breakfast?" He asked me. I nodded as we separated. We walked out to the kitchen and found two cold plates of eggs. I guess Darry made them for us before he left. He probably didn't know that we were gonna sleep in.

I grabbed my plate off the counter and sat down at the table with Pony following. I looked over at him as he sat down. He put his hand on my hand and said "Hey so um about last night. Will you be my girl?" I took his free hand in mine and said "Yes Ponyboy." He smiled as we started to eat.

After we were done eating our cold eggs we went out to the living room where only Two-Bit sat. We sat down on the couch, and Ponyboy put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

I layed my head on his shoulder and just relaxed. Of course Two-Bit started to tease us. "Aw look at the little love birds." He said making a heart with his hands. I stood up to punch him but something stopped me. Ponyboy had wrapped his arms around my waist.

I looked down at him to where he was sitting, smiled and said "I love you babe, but let me clobber him!" He didn't listen to me because he pulled me down onto his lap.

He kept his arms around me as he whispered in my ear "Don't even bother because then he'll just tease you on how girly you punch. Even if you break his nose." His breath felt warm on my neck and sent chills through my body.

The odd thing was I listened to him. I relaxed and layed back on him and said "Fine then."

I started to watch TV still sitting on Ponyboy's lap. "So when's the wedding?" Two-Bit asked jokingly.

"Shut up Keith! Just watch your stupid Mickey Mouse!" I screamed at him. I started to try to break from Ponyboy's grip but he was to strong. "Damn it Ponyboy! I love you but let me the fuck go!" I screamed at Pony. He didn't budge.

"Oh somebody's cranky. Are you on your period?" Two-Bit asked. That just made me even more mad. I broke free from Ponyboy's grasp and lunged towards Two-Bit.

Two-Bit ran outside and I screamed "Get back here Matthews and fight like a man!" I then felt those familiar arms wrap around me as the person carried me back to the couch.

I didn't feel like struggling so I layed back onto Ponyboy. Because of how short I was I barely reached his shoulder.  He smiled at how I finally relaxed but then realised I was still upset and frowned.

"What's wrong?" He asked. At first I didn't answer and he just stared at me. He then pecked my lips then said "You tell me and you get more."

As much as I wanted to kiss him again I don't like bribery. "As much as I loved that kiss I hate bribery." I told him.

"Then please tell me. Come on babe." He said. I could hear in his voice that he cared.

"Okay I just hate it how almost every guy thinks that a girl can't have emotion unless we're on our period." I told him. He just nodded then pecked my lips one more time.

"You sure you don't want more?" He asked. I thought about it for a second. I then kissed him and he kissed me back. We just kept going. There was no tongue but it felt amazing. Just to feel his lips on mine and think about how nothing else mattered.

When we finally pulled apart we were both panting for air, but I didn't care. I pecked his lips one last time then layed my head on his lap and stretched out on the couch.

He started to play with my hair as I slowly fell asleep.

The Younger CadeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα