chapter 16

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Camilas pov.

(3 days before Christmas.)

"Arctica please put on your coat!" I fussed.

"But mommy."

"Arctica Jane do not argue with your mom!" Lauren yelled as she stepped inside of the room.

"Can we go now!" Arctica yelled and Lauren laughed and helped her button up the jacket.

"I can't wait to play in the snow!" She yelled and jumped up and down. I laughed and put the pink bow that matched her Jacket in her hair.

"That's fine but let me finish your hair." I giggled and walked back over to the curling iron. I curled the last two pieces of her hair and their was a knock at the door.

"Momo!" Arctica yelled and ran to the door.

"Well I almost finished her hair." I laughed and Lauren snuck her arms around me.

"She looks fine, I don't understand why she needs her hair curled any way." She said into my hair and I laughed.

"Because she is my daughter and we Cabellos must always look great." I said and she kissed the back of my neck.

"The two of you look beautiful, just the way you are, no extra stuff needed." She told me and I smiled.

"You're perfect."

Arcticas pov.

"Momo!" I yelled and jumped into her arm. She picked me up and sat me in her hip.

'Hey there bugger." She said and I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her really tight.

"I can't wait to go skating, were going to have so much fun!" I yelled and threw my hands in the air.

"I know I can't wait." She said and pushed some of my hair behind my face.

"Hey do you want to go outside till everyone is ready?" She asked and I nodded my head very fast

"Yes, yes , yes momo!" I said and clapped my hands together. She sat me down and opened the door letting the cool air slide across my face. When the door shut the cold air was even worse.

"Its cold." I mumbled and hid my face in her jacket.

"It has to be cold so the snow can stay." She told me and I looked around.

"Its so pretty." I said and bent down and put some snow on my finger.

"Its so cute!" I said and momo. Bent down and looked at me.

" I know and the best part is if you put gloves on, We can play in it as much as we want." She said and slid the black mittens on my hands.

"Mama taught me what mittens are." I said and momo smiles.

"Really what are they."

" gloves have ingers and mittens dont!' I said and she nodded.

"Its fingers Arctica." She laughed and I sighed.

"I know I just forgets sometimes." I said and she smiled.

"Here can you make a snow ball?" She asked and picked up some snow and crushed it into a ball. I smiled and tried to do the same but when I pushed it it went flat.

"I broke it." I said and Normani put her finger under my chin and shook her head.

"No you didn't snow is so soft that sometimes it's hard to do it." She picked up some snow and put it into my hands and helped me push it together.

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