Part Three

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In order to appeal to Mikayla's target demographic, National News with Lucinda and Mikayla will now feature a segment at the end of the show known as Live Chat. Mikayla will read a topic in the form of a question, which will be posted on various social media platforms. The two anchors will select responses from viewers to read live on air and will field questions from viewers as well.

Lucy doesn't even bother trying to shut this idea down when Daniel presents it. In fact, it's not a bad idea in some ways, but they only have seven minutes to run the segment, and it seems to her that things could easily go south. They aren't sitting in their offices with their laptops, they'll be live, broadcasting to the entire country. Trying to pick responses and carry on a coherent on-topic conversation while sifting through social media, even with their assistants to help them, seems more chaotic than a primetime news program should be.

Good thing for Lucy that she stopped caring whether National News fails or succeeds. As for Live Chat, she's depending on it failing in all the right sorts of ways.

Daniel picks the first week's line-up of topics. "Of course, you girls can come up with your own in the future. You're great at that! This is just to get you started."

On Monday, Mikayla's first day on air, the topic is "Your Most Regrettable Tattoos." Because after talking about the election and the ongoing calamity in Syria, nothing shouts newsworthy more than discussing your decision to brand your ex's name onto your butt cheek.

Lucy is ready for Live Chat. She can't wait, in fact. Mikayla is ready as well. She's ready for primetime. Literally.

The first fifty minutes of the show go smoothly, considering it's their first time co-anchoring together. Mikayla is professional, with just enough inflection in her voice to show she isn't above feeling emotion for the situations they're reporting on. She is detached but still grounded, a juxtaposition hard to pull off. Midway into the hour, Lucy can almost picture them continuing to work together, tackling the news on a nightly basis and then going out for drinks afterwards. Not that any of that is likely to happen after tonight.

During the commercial break before Live Chat, Lucy and Mikayla sit in the eye of a storm as the rest of the crew moves around them preparing for the show's Millennial-seducing segment.

"Slight change of plans." She hands Mikayla a card with "Live Chat Topic" printed at the top of it. "Read this." She motions Mikayla's assistant over and hands her an identical card. "Type this. Go."

Thirty seconds until they're back on air. Mikayla reads what Lucy's chosen. Lucy waits for her to freak out, but that doesn't happen. Mikayla smiles. She flashes her eyes, devilish who-knows-what-I'm-really-thinking-except-maybe-for-you eyes. "Who's the vixen now, Lucy?"

Lucy sighs in relief. She'll do it. She's taking a huge risk but she'll do it. Good woman. "When he asks you about this, remember: I told you this new topic came from him. You had no way of knowing what I was up to."

They compose themselves, smiles ready. They wait for their cue.

"And we're back with a new segment tonight called Live Chat." Slight nod to Mikayla.

"That's right, everyone. It's time to connect! Each night we'll share an interesting topic and ask for your input. If we like what you tweet, you may just hear your response read live to millions of viewers. So, take out your phones and get ready."

Daniel is there, just behind camera number two. His eyes are glued to Mikayla's shiny teeth. How pleased he has been by her performance so far! It couldn't get any more perfect.

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